1. Requirement: Internet connection
You need an internet connection. This can be a WiFi or fixed network connection (LAN cable). A WiFi connection from a commercial provider is also suitable (e.g. via the private router in the home office).
2. Call VPN Client*
A VPN (Virtual Private Network) client establishes an encrypted connection from a device to the network of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
- On centrally administered portable computers:
On centrally administered portable computers the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client is pre-installed and configured. - For self-administered computers:
You must download and install a VPN client. You can find instructions on how to do this at: www.uni-weimar.de/vpn
3. Accessing the project drive
- On centrally administered portable computers:
Webdrive is pre-installed and configured on centrally administered portable computers. This gives you access to your project drives via Windows Explorer (file manager). - For self-administered computers:
- If you only need read access to the files , you can access the directory via your browser (InternetExplorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome etc.): https://webspeicher.in.uni-weimar.de/fs
In this mode, it is possible to download files, but not to edit them. - If you need the possibility to download, edit and upload files , you can install the software »Webdrive«** (for Windows) on your computer. This gives you access to the project drives via Windows Explorer (file manager).
Download the installation file: https://cloud.uni-weimar.de/s/QWLqJTdGQKH486k
Installation instructions: https://www.uni-weimar.de/webdrive - For instructions on setting up WebDAV on Mac OS X, click here.
- If you only need read access to the files , you can access the directory via your browser (InternetExplorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome etc.): https://webspeicher.in.uni-weimar.de/fs
* A VPN client (Virtual Private Network) establishes an encrypted connection from a device to the network of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The end device is assigned an address that identifies it as part of the university network.
** Webdrive for Windows is used for integration into the Windows Explorer (file manager). Files can be loaded, saved or edited directly.