When using the network connections in the student halls of residence, the following must be observed:
- As part of the IT infrastructure of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, the network connections in the student halls of residence are subject to the joint IT usage regulations of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar, hereinafter referred to as the usage regulations.
- The email address of the Bauhaus-Universität/University of Music FRANZ LISZT must be used regularly (must be configured beforehand!) or a forwarding to another privately used email address must be activated.
https://webmail.uni-weimar.de/?_task=settings&_action=plugin.vacation - IP addresses are automatically assigned in some halls of residence. IP addresses cannot be configured manually there. The administrator of the hall of residence will provide you with the IP addresses to be permanently entered. If existing limits of use are circumvented (traffic limit) or other users are significantly impaired by the use of an incorrect IP, the connection will be blocked for four weeks as described under 8.
- During use, the Golden Rules of IT Security must be observed, in particular points 1 to 4.
- According to §2 of the usage regulations, usage should primarily serve the fulfilment of study tasks.
- Private use is allowed, but may not exceed a low level, which excludes the transfer of larger amounts of data for exclusively private purposes.
- According to §5 of the usage regulations, the applicable legal regulations must be observed during usage. In particular, the limits of copyright law must be observed when transferring data. (No downloading or uploading of pirate copies!)
- In the case of violations of the usage regulations, access will generally be blocked for 4 weeks in accordance with §7 of the usage regulations.
- Here you can view the transfer volume of your connection for the current month: https://www.net.uni-weimar.de/xwintraffic/
- If you have any questions regarding the contract, please contact the INFOtake of the Studierendenwerk Thüringen in the Mensa "Am Park".
For technical problems, your hall of residence administrator is responsible, whose name and availability are displayed in the notice board in the foyer of the hall of residence. In cases of replacement, such as holidays and illness, you will also find the name and availability of the administrator responsible for that time. - If you are unable to accept the above restrictions on network use, you have the option of having an internet provider set up a DSL connection for you. You would then no longer be part of the network of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
The data transfer volume is currently not limited.