Contacts & Locations

For quick access, you will find an overview of the most important contacts with location and addresses.

Consulting, Service & Support of SCC

The SCC user service is the first point of contact for all concerns and questions or in the case of problems with the IT services provided as well as for security-related requests. Therefore, please always contact our user service first by e-mail, telephone or via our ticket system.
To ensure that your request is processed quickly and to avoid unnecessary queries and longer processing times, we recommend that you contact us  via our ticket system. Please always check our website before contacting us.

SCC User Service

Ticket: Service Requests and Error Reporting
Phone: +49 (0) 36 43/58 24 24
E-mail: nutzerservice[at]

Office hours: Monday - Friday 8 am - 6 pm
If the user service is not available by telephone, please leave a message on the answering machine (please wait the seconds if you wish to speak).

SCC Computer Pool and Plotting Service

Contact for general information on plotting and printing in the SCC pools, making appointments for plotting and booking the SCC PC pools for events.

Steubenstraße 6a
99423 Weimar
+49 (0)36 43/58 24 11

Receiving and applying for the personal user ID (user name)

Petra Thiersch
Steubenstraße 6a, R 211
99421 Weimar
+49 (0) 36 43/58 24 10
E-mail: petra.thiersch[at]

IT contact persons at the faculties and HfM

For general IT problems and security questions as well as questions regarding the use of software, please contact the IT contact persons of the individual faculties only.


SCC Hardware Service

The SCC supports the departments and facilities of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar with advice on purchasing, upgrading or repairing hardware (computers, laptops, printers and storage systems). Professionally trained staff at SCC will additionally inform you about existing framework agreements where procurement is possible without a call for proposals or comparative offers.
Employees in the faculties please contact the IT contact persons at the faculties.

SCC Hardware Service

Phone: +49 (0) 36 43/58 24 70
Office hours: by telephone arrangement only.
You will find us at Steubenstraße 6a (Zuse building) on the 2nd floor on the left.

SCC Contact IT Security

The IT Security Officer at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is the contact person for all questions in the area of IT security and is responsible for handling all security-related incidents.
For security-related requests and reports, please always first contact our user service, as incidents are processed via the ticket system.

SCC IT Security Officer

Klaus Mebus
E-mail: security[at]
Phone: +49 0 36 43/ 58 24 32
NOTICE: This e-mail address is only used to receive messages, it is never used to send messages.

Locations of public printers and copiers


At the moment, some of the locations mentioned below are not accessible or only accessible with restrictions (user group via »thoska«). Please note the daily updated information at the individual locations.

Locations of the multifunctional devices

A-Dürerstr. 21. FloorHallway
Amalienstr. 133. FloorHallway
Bauhausstr. 7b2. FloorHallway
Bauhausstr. 7b1. FloorHallway
Bauhausstr. 9cGreenHouse2. FloorHallway
Bauhausstr. 11Ground floorHallway
Bauhausstr. 15Ground floorHallway
Belvederer Allee 11. FloorHallway
Belvederer Allee 1a3. FloorHallway
Belvederer Allee 1b1. FloorHallway
Belvederer Allee 4BasementHallway
Belvederer Allee 5K007Basement
Belvederer Allee 6Hallway
Berkaer Str. 1Ground floorR101
Coudraystr. 72. FloorHallway
Coudraystr. 73. FloorHallway
Coudraystr. 7Ground floorSubsidiary library
Coudraystr. 11c1. FloorHallwayHallway
Coudraystr. 13a1. FloorHallway
Geschw.-Scholl-Str. 6Prellerhaus 2,5 Floor
Geschw.-Scholl-Str. 7R004Passageway
Geschw.-Scholl-Str. 7R004Passageway
Geschw.-Scholl-Str. 82. FloorHallway
Geschw.-Scholl-Str. 15Ground floor
Marienstr. 1aAltbau2. FloorHallway
Marienstr. 52. FloorHallway
Marienstr. 7b1. FloorHallway
Marienstr. 91. FloorHallway
Marienstr. 13aConnector hallway
Marienstr. 13c1. FloorHallway
Marienstr. 151. FloorHallway
Steubenstr. 6gLevel -1G1K01
Steubenstr. 6Level -2F2K01
Steubenstr. 6Level 1G211
Steubenstr. 6Level 1G113
Steubenstr. 6Level +1F102Glass box middle
Steubenstr. 6Level -1F1K01
Steubenstr. 6Level +1F102Glass box right
Steubenstr. 6Level +1F102
Steubenstr. 84. FloorPhoto studio
Steubenstr. 8BasementRK03
Steubenstr. 8Limona1. FloorGallery

Recharge, transfer and validation terminals

Recharging Terminals
The following recharge terminals are accessible during the opening hours of the individual locations:
  • Coudraystraße 13, Cafeteria (11am–2pm) (EC card, Debit card, Credit card possible)
  • Marienstraße 13a, »green door« (EC card, Debit card, Credit card possible)
  • Marienstraße 15a, Infothek (10am–3pm) (EC card, Debit card, Credit card and cash possible)
  • Steubenstraße 6a, SCC, lobby of the SCC pool (EC card, Debit card, Credit card possible)
  • University Library, Steubenstraße 6, upper foyer (EC card, Debit card, Credit card possible)
Transfer Terminals
The transfer terminals can be found across the campus at the following locations:
  • University Library, Steubenstraße 6, Floor +1/Room F102
  • teaching premises, Marienstraße 1A (Old building), 2nd floor / hallway
  • teaching premises, Amalienstraße 13, Ground floor/hallway
  • Service Center for Computer Systems and Communication (SCC), Steubenstraße 6a, 2nd floor / hallway
 Validation Terminals
  • Marienstraße 13a, (»green door«)
  • University Library, Steubenstraße 6 (upper foyer)
  • Campus.Office, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15 (tuesday to thursday 10am–2pm)