Study & work digitally

Symbolic Image: Study & work digitally
Foto © Lukas Loeffler
Symbol: VPN

For secure access to the data network, the SCC offers members and affiliates of the university a so-called VPN access. For encrypted access from home, the connection method »VPN for HomeOffice« is also available.


In order to also support studies and teaching digitally,  »DFNconf pexip« and »BigBlueButton« complement the central learning management system at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar as tools for video conferencing and online seminars.


The SCC offers a variety of different software for students and employees of the Bauhaus-Universität. There are a wide variety of contracts for campus and student licences as well as for research and teaching.


The learning platform «moodle» is used by all faculties of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar as a central system for teaching support.


Grafik mit Symbol des Bauhaus Chats

Exchange ideas quickly and easily with lecturers, fellow students and colleagues using the chat feature!

Teasergrafik mit blauem Hintergrund und einer Wolke in Form des Großbuchstaben B

Take advantage of the versatility of our cloud platform to conveniently access resources, conduct research and enhance your learning experience at any time and from anywhere!

Teasergrafik mit blauem Hintergrund und einer dampfenden Kaffeetasse

Stroll about the campus and meet up virtually with others, no matter where you are: the digital campus makes it possible!
