VPN (Virtual Privat Network) access

Symbol: VPN

For encrypted access to the services and data network of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar from home or on the road, the SCC offers access via VPN (Virtual Private Network) to students, members and affiliates of the university. The SCC provides the VPN client software »Cisco AnyConnect« for this purpose.
Employees with centrally administered computers and mobile devices also have the option of accessing the university's services and network via the »VPN for HomeOffice« connection. It is then no longer necessary to use »Cisco Any Connect«.

Installation & use of the VPN client software »Cisco AnyConnect«

For use, a VPN client must first be installed. The SCC offers the VPN client »Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client« for this purpose.

  • For installation, the client can be downloaded under »MS Windows«, »Mac OS X« and »Linux« at the URL ftp.uni-weimar.de.
  • The server address for establishing the connection is vpngate.uni-weimar.de.
  • After installation and with every system start, authentication with your own login and password is necessary.
    Notice for use: The installation of the »Cisco AnyConnect Clients« creates an autostart entry so that the client starts immediately after every system start or login.
  • Detailed descriptions of installation and use as well as for individual functionalities can be found in the »Instructions« section of this page.

Release Notes

The currently available
Version 4.x supports the following operating systems:
  • MS Windows from version 10 (see section »Instructions«)
  • MacOS X from version 10.13 (see section »Instructions«)
  • Linux Red Hat 6, 7 as well as Ubuntu 14.04 (LTS), 16.04 (LTS) and 18.04 (LTS) (64-bit only)
The version available in the Microsoft Store supports:
  • Windows 10 version 17134.0 or higher, Xbox One
The version available in the Google Play Store supports:
  • Android from 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
The version available in the Apple App Store supports:
  • iOS from version 10.0 or newer, compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

To access all University services from home, University employees should use the »VPN for HomeOffice« connection method.


Background & interesting facts

VPN stands for »Virtual Private Network« and is intended to ensure that data is transmitted in a trustworthy manner when it is transferred over various networks that cannot be assessed from a security perspective (wireless LANs, WANs, private and/or public networks). So-called VPN tunnels are set up between the end device and the VPN server, between which the data traffic is transmitted in encrypted form after authentication.

In addition to this security function, VPN access offers another advantage: If you dial into the Internet via an external provider, certain Bauhaus-Universität services will not be available to you. These services can only be used if your computer has an IP address from the Bauhaus-Universität address range (141.54.*.*). Computers with all other addresses will be rejected. However, if you use the VPN access, you communicate through the tunnel with an address from the IP address range of the university and are thus considered a member of the university. Before you are assigned such a tunnel IP address, you must authenticate yourself with your login and password.