
Data traffic between the Bauhaus-Universität network and the Internet is permanently monitored by the SCC in compliance with data protection regulations in order to detect changes in the use of IT resources at an early stage that may be due to misuse.

Unfortunately, during our checks we found that the limits of the user regulations were clearly exceeded by some users. According to §5 of the Joint IT Usage Regulations (Accessible document) of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar, it is permissible to use IT systems, networks and IT services for the fulfilment of study or service tasks in research, teaching, administration, central services, education and training and public relations. Uses with other objectives, i.e. also purely private use, are subject to approval unless they are minor.

According to §7 of the Common IT Usage Regulations (Accessible document) a warning may be issued or the authorisation may be temporarily or permanently withdrawn or restricted in the event of a violation of the applicable regulations. All users are requested to handle the resources provided responsibly.