
New Neighbourhoods in Europe

This seminar takes place in the framework of the cooperation between the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and Rome University 3. We are kindly inviting students in the field of urban heritage, urban studies, urban planning, architecture and other related disciplines. Relevent subjects are:

- The political side of  new developments, studying the form of urbanity (or citizenship) implicit in the design of new settlements
- Accessibility to public space and public goods in the neighbourhoods
- The life-style in these neighboorhoods that is imicitly fostered
- The contextual factors influencing the concept of these neighbourhoods

The seminar is organized in two parts. In a first meeting, relevant texts will be discussed by all participants. A reader with these texts will be produced in advance. Participants are preparing a shortreading of one text that is relevant for their own personal research.The second part of theseminar is related to the international workshop which will be hold on 3. and 4. november. Then, international scholars will present their work on new neighbourhoods in Europe.

Richtet sich an: IPP Europäische Urbanistik, IPP Urban Heritage, PhD students
Veranstaltungsart: Block-Seminar, 4 SWS, 6 ECTS
Preparatory meeting: 28th october 2009, 9.15 a.m. - 12.30 a.m., International Workshop: 3th and 4th november 2009
Ort: Belvederer Allee 4, Raum 101
Sprache: Englisch
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt

Registration: until 1st october at frank.eckardt[at]

Understanding the Post-Industrial City:metropolis, urban renewal and public space.

This seminar takes place in the framework of the joint research exchange programme on post-industrial urbanism between the Bauhaus-Unversität Weimar and the Technical University Lisbone, Portugal. East-German and Portugese cities have been experiencing rapid changes in the run of processes that can be marked as "post-industrialism".  The emergence of a new dynamic of industrial production with a higher degree of mobility, consumption, cultural and social reproduction has major impact on life in cities. The metropolitan shape and development patterns are following a different logic then the city of modernity. Now, the city center has altered its significance and offers other opportunities for the urban dwellers. While in modern times, the center dominated the orientation and attraction, it is now one among many places of importance in public life. The stage it offered as the seat of power and attention now is challenged by an urban geography with many places of more than local meaning. But the decline of the inner city has not been accepted by political and social action. New uses like for tourism, the creative class and migrants have been counterbalancing the decay. The remaining atractiveness of the center is the hugh offer of public spaces. However, these have been challenged in architectural and social ways. Politcally, urban regeneration programmes have been reacting on the new development. In this seminar, the context of metropolitan development in the emergence of post-industrialism, the challenged public spaces and attemps for urban renewal are regarded as intrinsically intertwined factors which make up the new face of the cities. Against the background of these observations, this seminar has as objective to create an intensified knowledge of contemporary urban development in Portugal and East Germany/Berlin. It creates a common research framework where interdisciplinary approaches are intended to give a detailed insight into both general trends and particular projects. It focusses than on the new role of public space in cities facing the transformation to a post-industrial urbanism. It looks at the different strategies in political programmes, architectural approaches, urban planning and social and artistic interventions with regard to the renewal of urban areas.

The seminar will be organized in two steps. In a first preparatory meeting, basic texts on the development of the post-industrial city will be discussed. A reader will be produced and distributed in advance. Each participant will present one of these texts. In a second step, the seminar will be hold in the frame of a one week excursion to Lisbon. There, a joint seminar with Portuguese PhD students and partners will be used to allow every participant to discuss his or her own PhD research. This seminar is supported by the German Exchange Organisation DAAD.  Financial support for the travel costs to Lisbon is available.

Richtet sich an: IPP Europäische Urbanistik, IPP Urban Heritage, Doktoranden
Veranstaltungsart: Seminar, 4 SWS, 6 ECTS
Termine: Preparatory Workshop: 11th november 9.15 a.m. - 12.30 a.m.; Workshop Lisbon: 3th and 4th december
Ort: Belvederer Allee 4, Raum 101
Sprache: Englisch
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt

Registration until 1st october at frank.eckardt[at]

Belonging to the City

What does it make that we feel at home in a city? What does it mean for us to live in a place where everything constantly is changing? This seminar examines the city as a place to feel attached to, It looks at the emotional side of urbanism. It is given by John Eade who has been researching on the social development of London. He is the editor of important books on the globalisation of cities (Living the Global City (1996), Placing London (2003), Understanding the City (2006)). In this seminar, we will discuss some examples of research on the process of belonging to a city. A reader with texts will be delivered in advance. Participants are requested to present one text to the seminar and discuss this against the background of their personal experience.

For those who are interested in participating in the seminar "Belonging to the city", we would kindly ask you to prepare a text from one of the following books:
- Living the Global City: John Eade
- Ohn Eade and C. Mele: Understanding the City
- Fincher and Jacobs: Cities of differences
- Marcuse and van Kampen: Globalizing Cities

You can find the books in the liberary or with me. Please indicate to me, which of the texts you would like to present in the seminar. We are asking you to present the text in a double way: Firstly, you should explain the main line of argument to the class. Secondly, we are asking you to transfer the idea of the text to your personal research project. Your totle oral presentation should not exceed 20 minutes. If you have interest in receiving credits for this seminar, a written essay of 10 pages length must be sent in after the seminar. Please contact me, if anything remains unclear. The books in my liberary can be looked at at any time.

Richtet sich an: IPP Europäische Urbanistik, IPP Urban Heritage, PhD students, MA Europäische Urbanistik, MA Advanced Urbanism/IIUS, MA StadtArchitektur
Veranstaltungsart: Blockseminar, 2 SWS  3 ECTS
Date: 8th december 2009, 9 a.m.
Ort: Belvederer Allee 4, Room 101
Sprache: Englisch
Dozenten: John Eade (London), Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt

Registration: until 1st october at frank.eckardt[at]

Gut vorbereitet? Thüringens "Soziale Stadt" und die Herausforderungen einer individualisierten Gesellschaft

Nach den verschiedenen Prognosen zur weiteren Entwicklung der Bevölkerung in Thüringen werden die Städte des Freistaats mit einem zum Teil erheblichen Einwohnerverlust konfrontiert. Dies bedeutet für die Planung und Gestaltung, daß trotz bereits vollzogener Umbau- und Anpassungsleistungen weiterhin über kommunale Anstrengungen nachgedacht werden muß, um die lokalen Spielräume so nutzen zu können, damit den gesellschaftlichen Tendenzen begegnet werden können. Das Seminar schließt dabei in erster Linie an die allgemeine Beobachtung einer individualisierten Lebensgestaltung an, in der durch eine flexibilisierte Arbeitswelt sich für den Einzelnen höhere Ansprüche an seine Leistungsfähigkeit, seine Kompetenzen, sozialen Bedürfnisse und Mobilitätsbereitschaft stellen. Unter dem Schlagwort "Individualisierung" verbergen sich allerdings unterschiedliche gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen. Ausgehend von den Befunden gesellschaftlicher Analysen unterschiedlichster Disziplinen und Forschungen soll das Augenmerk dabei insbesondere auf folgende Thematiken gerichtet werden: 

- Demographischer Wandel ("Vergreisung")
- Lebensstilveränderungen (Neue Familienstrukturen)
- Flexibilisierung/Prekarisierung der Arbeitswelt
- Soziale Kohäsion (Bedeutung von Nachbarschaften)
- Kulturelle Diversität (Multikulturalität)
- Partizipation, Mitbestimmung und Teilhabe

In dem Seminar sollen einerseits diese sechs Themengebiete anhand von einführenden Texten verständlich gemacht werden. an. Andererseits soll jeder Teilnehmer sich mit einem Programmgebiet in einer der Thüringer Städte, die sich am Bund-Länder-Programm "Soziale Stadt" vertraut machen und dieses im Seminar darstellen. Das Seminar findet in Kooperation mit der Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft "Soziale Stadt in Thüringen" und den darin engagierten Quartiersmanagern statt. Ziel ist die Herstellung einer Dokumentation über die Aktivitäten, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Soziale Stadt-Programms in den einzelnen Städten, um auf die Herausforderungen der individualisierten Gesellschaft zu reagieren.

Modul: Sozialwissenschaftliche Analyse und Bewertungsprozesse
Richtet sich an: BA Urbanistik, BA Architektur
Veranstaltungsart: Block-Seminar, 2 SWS, 3 ECTS
Termin: mittwochs, 15.15 - 16.45 Uhr, ab dem 28. Oktober 2009
Ort: Marienstraße, HS A
Sprache: Deutsch
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt

Anmeldung bis 1. Oktober an frank.eckardt[at]