Lehrpreis der Fakultät Medien der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar für das Modul Visualisierung (2022)
Teaching Award of the Faculty of Media at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar for the module Visualization (2022)
Bernd Froehlich, Dora Kiesel, Gareth Rendle, Joshua Reibert
Inaugural Member of the IEEE Virtual Reality Academy (2022)
IEEE article, German article
Bernd Froehlich
Best VR-in-VR Presentation Award (IEEE Virtual Reality 2020)
Getting There Together: Group Navigation in Distributed Virtual Environments
Weissker, T., Bimberg, P., Froehlich, B.
Best Poster Award (IEEE Virtual Reality 2020)
Tracking Multiple Collocated HTC Vive Setups in a Common Coordinate System
Weissker, T., Tornow, P., Froehlich, B.
Certificate of Honor (International Trade Fair "Ideas-Inventions-New Products" Nuremberg 2019)
Invention University / College "Hardware supported interpolation for the reconstruction of vector quantized data"
Froehlich, B., Kreskowski, A., Matthes, C.-F. [see German article]
Best Dissertation Award of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Hochschulpreis 2019)
PhD thesis "Immersive Telepresence Systems and Technologies"
Stephan Beck [see German article]
Student Award of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Hochschulpreis 2019)
Master's thesis "Touch-based Information Visualization on Display Walls"
Joshua Reibert [see German article]
Nominee for Best Paper Award (IEEE Virtual Reality 2019)
Multi-Ray Jumping: Comprehensible Group Navigation for Collocated Users in Immersive Virtual Reality
Weissker, T., Kulik, A., Froehlich, B.
IEEE Virtual Reality Best Dissertation Award 2017
User Interfaces for Cooperation
Alexander Kulik [see German article]
Poster Honorable Mention (EuroVis 2016)
Visualising Article Similarities in Wikipedia
Riehmann, P., Potthast, M., Gruendl, Kiesel, J., H., Jürges, D., Castiglia, G., Ter-Akopyan, B., Froehlich, B.
Best Paper Award (GI-VR/AR Workshop 2014)
Fast Construction of SAH-based Bounding Interval Hierarchies using Dynamic Parallelism
Matthes, C.-F., Kreskowski, A., Schollmeyer, A., Froehlich, B.
Best Paper Award (IEEE Virtual Reality 2013)
Immersive Group-to-Group Telepresence
Beck, S., Kunert, A., Kulik, A., Froehlich B.
Best Paper Award (IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2012)
A Generalized God-Object Method for Plausible Finger-Based Interactions in Virtual Environments
Jacobs, J., Stengel, M., Froehlich, B.
Best Paper Award (IEEE Pacific Visualization 2011)
The NETSPEAK WORDGRAPH: Visualizing Keywords in Context
Riehmann, P., Gruendl, H., Froehlich, B., Potthast, M., Trenkmann, M., Stein, B.
Best Paper Award (GI-VR/AR Workshop 2010)
Multiple View Generation for Auto-stereoscopic Displays
Beck, S., Schneider, M., Froehlich, B.
Best Student Paper Award (IEEE Virtual Reality 2010)
Enabling Functional Validation of Virtual Cars Through Natural Interaction Metaphors
Moehring, M., Froehlich, B.
Honorable Mention, Runner-up Best Paper (IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2010)
Improving Collaboration in Co-located Interactions with Show-Through Techniques
Argelaguet, F., Kunert, A., Kulik, A., Froehlich, B.
Best Papers - Invitation for Computers & Graphics Journal Publication (IEEE Virtual Reality 2009)
An Image-Warping Architecture for VR: Low Latency versus Image Quality
Smit, F. A., van Liere, R., Beck, S., Froehlich, B.
Best Sketch / Short Paper Award (IEEE Virtual Reality 2009)
Virtual vs. Real-World Pointing in Two-User Scenarios
Salzmann, H., Moehring, M., Froehlich, B.
The Virtual Reality Technical Achievement Award 2008
In recognition of his contributions to interactive devices and displays for VR
Bernd Froehlich [see article]
Honorable Mention, Runner-up Best Paper (ACM VRST 2008)
An Image-Warping VR-Architecture: Design, Implementation and Applications
Smit, F.A., van Liere, R., Froehlich, B.
2nd Best Paper Award (GI-VR/AR Workshop 2008)
GPU-based Ray Tracing of Dynamic Scenes
Reichl, M., Dünger, R., Schiewe, A., Klemmer, T., Hartleb, M., Lux, C., Froehlich, B.
Best Papers - Invitation for Computers & Graphics Journal Publication (Eurographics 2007)
ProbonoWorld: Educating the Mentally Handicapped in a Virtual Environment using Props on a Board
Groenewegen, S., Heinz, S., Huckauf, A., Froehlich, B.
2nd Best Paper Award (GI-VR/AR Workshop 2007)
Multi-Frame Rate Rendering for Standalone Systems
Springer, J. P., Beck, S., Weiszig, F., Froehlich, B.
Editors' Choice (The Journal of Graphics Tools)
Fast Normal Map Generation for Simplified Meshes
Wang, Y., Froehlich, B., Goebel, M.
2nd Best Paper Award (GI-VR/AR Workshop 2005)
ProBoNO - An Interaction Concept for Teaching Navigation and Orientation using Props on a Board
Schild, J., Göttel, T., Huckauf, A., and Froehlich, B.