Aktuelles und Veranstaltungen

Design and Regenerative Practices

Design and Regenerative Practices
Daniel Christian Wahl in conversation with Dulmini Perera. Including a panel response with research team + discussion with audience.

Doctoral Coloquium

Das Kolloquium gibt den Teilnehmer:innen Gelegenheit, ihre Arbeiten als work in progress vorzustellen und sich mit ihren Mit-Doktorand:innen auszutauschen. Es dient damit auch der Vernetzung der Doktorand:innen untereinander. Save the Date: 25.01.23

Buildings as Issues and Stories: The Work of South Asian Architect Minnette De Silva

Are you interested in exploring less known stories of buildings and architects? Are you interested in learning how story telling and story based games can be used to interact with buildings and building histories? Are you interested in getting to know the story of a pioneer asian architect that has much to offer the complex and interrelated contemporary discussions on decoloniality, environmentalism and feminism?