Changing Urban Images - Urban Design & Resilience
While the previous conference "Changing Urban Images: Planning and Developing Strategies from Neighbourhood to City Scale" (16.-18.02.2011) offered different perspectives on participatory instruments and methods, the 2012 Forum addresses common urban design questions and the question of how cities can respond to phenomena such as peak oil and climate change. It is obvious that ambitious goals for a ‘better city’ are manifold and that they require many singular steps to transform today’s common planning postulates.
Veranstalter | Convener
Institut für Europäische Urbanistik (IfEU), Fakultät Architektur, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Institutsdirektor Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Nentwig | Institute for European Urban Studies (IfEU) Faculty of Architecture, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Institute’s Director Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Nentwig
Koordinator der Modellprojekte / Tagungsleitung |Model Project Coordinator / Conference organizer
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Philippe Schmidt MSc Tel.: +49 (0) 36 43/58 26 51, E-Mail:
Donnerstag | Thursday 09.02.2012
Forum der Young Professionals | Forum of Young Professionals
08:30 Ankunft, Registrierung | Arrival, registration
09:00 Begrüßung | Welcoming
Prof. Dr. Bernd Rudolf, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture
Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, Institute Director
Einführung zum Forum | Introduction to the Forum
Philippe Schmidt, Conference organizer
Presentations of Model Projects – each followed by a short discussion
I. Adapting planning postulates
Part 1:
Moderation Philippe Schmidt
People First: A future oriented planning approach in a global context
Julie Köpper
Rethinking the Image of New York City from an Environmental Justice perspective
Sojung You
The treasure we flush away
Xizi Ling
10:20 Coffee break
Part 2:
Moderation Dr. Bernhard Stratmann
Resource Morphology: How resources shape a resilient city
Karla Gutiérrez Magaña
PLACES | Biedenkopf Milestones: Towards a sustainable urban development
Corinna Scholz
Steps between Public Space and Childhood: Naumburg as a “Child Friendly City”
Edita Kirtiklytë
12:00 Lunch break
Part 3:
Moderation Dr. Harald Kegler
Cities of Fear in Transition: Urban design challenges in Iraqi Kurdistan
Lika Sharifi Sadeghi
The Democratization of Cartography for Environmental Protection
Diliana Daskalova Hirt
Creating Sustainable Communities: IBA 2020 as a learning tool for Nord-Neukölln, Berlin
Gözde Sarlak
Individualistic settlements vs. the compact core? A Belgian village in the face of urban sprawl
Julia Müller
14:30 Coffee break
II. From oil-city to airport city. Urban design contexts
Moderation Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig
Envisioning a Landscape Context among ‘Flames’ of current Urban Transformations in Baku, Azerbaijan
Natalia Stepanova
Between Fixity and Flow: Transformations of the urban waterfront in Basel-Nord
Juan Carlos Mejia
Responses to Land Use Transformation: The Samsung territory in Oberschöneweide, Berlin
Sonia Cubides
Airport Cities: The new European capitals of the XXI century?
Nicolas Antonio Balacco
Guided Bauhaus Tour starting at IfEU
Urban Night Flight
Model Project Party & Alumni reception
7th Alumni Award European Urban Studies, convened through AFEU e.V.
Lectures by the prize winners:
Das Suburbanisierte Dorf, Theresa Dietl. (1st prize)
Urban images of changing spatial patterns Raluca Iulia Davidel (2nd prize)
Shopping and the City Daniela Schmidt (recognition)
Freitag | Friday 10.02.2012
Forum der Projektpartner | Forum of Project Partners
Introduction of Project Partners – Large Panel
Comments on the student presentations | Moderation
Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig
10:00 Coffee break
Lectures of the Project Partners
Part 1:
Moderation Dr. Bernhard Stratmann
10:30 New Geographies of Europe Dr. Ulrich Ermann, Institut für Länderkunde, Leipzig
11:00 Landscapes of Postmodernity: Changes in the built fabric of Belgrade and Sofia since the end of socialis, Dr. Sonia A. Hirt, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg (US)
11:30 Brooklyn Greens: Greening from the ground up, Jessie Braden, Pratt Center, Brooklyn (US)
12:00 Lunch break
Part 2:
Moderation Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig
13:00 Airports, Sebastian Flatau, gmp Architects, Hamburg
13:30 The North Tangent as Motor of the Urban Development in Basel North, Katrin Amtmann, Bau- und Verkehrsdepartement, Basel
14:00 From Landscape to City, Hartmut Friedel, Agence TER, Karlsruhe
14:30 Coffee break
Part 3:
Moderation Philippe Schmidt
15:00 Baum Freytag Leesch architects and urban planners BDA, Thomas Freytag, PAD Planning Architecture Design, Weimar
15:30 Searching for a new Urban Quality, Johan Van Reeth & Miechel De Paep, BUUR | Bureau for Urbanism, Leuven (BE)
16:00 Ende des Forums | End of the forum
Urban Design & Resilience - PDF Documents
click here for information on the forum