Writing the Master Thesis

Your Masters thesis represents your final step towards completing your scientific education. It is meant to exhibit the candidates ability to engage with an issue of the urban realm independently - within three months and by way of scientific methods (see § 9 Abs. 6 Examinations Regulations). Key information on the execution of the Masters thesis are compiled in the below guidelines. There are two regular deadlines when you can apply to write your thesis. Please consider that to develop a topic and thesis proposal and to ask suitable examiners/ supervisors of your thesis needs enough time before the registration deadlines. 

Master Thesis Application - Deadlines for summer and winter semester 

Based on §6 and §17 of the Examination Regulations students have to submit the Thesis Application Form  to the IUDD Examination Office (print or email) by the following deadlines at latest before starting to write the master thesis:
April 10 - for writing the thesis during summer semester 
October 10 - for writing the thesis during winter semester  

By submitting the Thesis Application Form students apply for a certain subject and supervisors (examiners) of the thesis - based on a thesis proposal (abstract) and are officially registered for that process. Application and registration for the Master Thesis writing phase is either in the summer semester or winter semester. Please check forms and regulations below one month before the deadline as they are part of your preparation to the thesis. After submitting the application form to the examination office, students will be formally registered for thesis writing by May 1 (summer semester) or November 1 (winter semester) from which the formal writing phase of 12 weeks is starting.

Instructions, forms and regulations (downloads)

1. Find more details in the Thesis Application Form (download here)
2. The requested Performance Control Sheet which has been handed over to students at the beginning of their studies if also available digital here.
3. Find more information as a step-by-step description of the Masters Thesis Procedures here.
4. IUDD Examination Regulations

Submission of master thesis

One printed version of the thesis has to be submitted to the IUDD secretary Ms. Annett Wagner. The additional prints serve the examiners/supervisors (and an additional one for yourself). In case a supervisor abstains from a printed version and asks to only get a digital one, please inform and forward the IUDD secretary through a written statement (Email) of the supervisor.

1. For the final print and digital version of the thesis you are required to include and sign the  Statutory Declaration  (compulsory for the Master´s Thesis Report).
2. Example for the Master´s Thesis Cover Page.
3. Exceptional thesis defense (oral examination): In case you second supervisor is not able to attend your final thesis defense you can suggest and hand in the Application form to suggest a third Supervisor at the IUDD examination office.

IUDD Examination Office
Prüfungsamt Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik
Ms. Katrin Sonnet (katrin.sonnet @ uni-weimar.de)

IUDD Secretary
Ms. Annett Wagner
(Annett.Wagner @ uni-weimar.de)