Factsheet Advanced Urbanism (M.Sc.)

The Masters Programme Advanced Urbanism evoled from the interdisciplinary Masters Programme European Urbanism. It is carried out in cooperation with the College for Architecutre and Urban Planning (CAUP) at Tongji-University in Shanghai. Numerous curricular and extracurricular activities offer a glimpse into the current discourse on urban issues in the respective country.

In 2014, both universities celebrated the 10 years of successful cooperation in the joint degree programme.

train in design, planning, scientific analysis and mediation; become an urban curator, the competent and reflective expert of the urban realm  

graduates of architecture, landscape planning, interior design, regional/spatial planning, geography, civil engineering, urban and architectural sociology, environmental sciences and other disciplines relevant to the natural and built environment

international (English-taught degree; worldwide network for professional expierence)

interdisciplinary (combines urban design/planning, urban heritage, urban sociology, project management and spatial planning)

science and design oriented 

4 semesters
(with the 3rd and 4th semesters spent at Tongji-University in Shanghai, China)

A handling fee of 1,000€ incurs for each semesters spent at the partnering university, i.e. a total of 2,000€ per student.

Besides these programme-specific handling fees you have to cover the general study fees and living expenses. Information on those costs as well as financing opportunities are explained in detail here. 

Additionally you have to consider possible costs for excursions and study trips as well as expenses you need to spend related to visa procedures.

Master of Science (M.Sc.) (double degree)