10 YEARS Joint Double Degree Programme

Cover Flyer "10 Year Anniversary"

Anlässlich des 10-jährigen Bestehens des gemeinsamen Doppelabschlussprogramms des Instituts für Europäische Urbanistik (IfEU) der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar und dem College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) der Tongji University Shanghai stellen Lehrende beider Institutionen in diesem kleinen Symposium unterschiedlichste Sichtweisen zur derzeitigen Entwicklung von Städten in Europa und China vor...

10 Years - Chinese Saying

Die Ausstellung zeigt zum Jubiläum des 10-jährigen Bestehens des gemeinsamen Doppelabschlussprogramms des Instituts für Europäische Urbanistik (IfEU) der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar und dem College for Architecture and Urban Planning Tongji University Shanghai Arbeiten aus den interdisziplinären Studienprojekten des internationalen Masterprogramms Advanced Urbanism.

Integrated Frequencies - Decoding Urban Spaces in Vienna, Stage IV of the celebration programme and part of annual exhibition "summaery"

In the discussion about “liveable cities” urban space is mostly perceived as either a form of vital neighbourhoods in vibrant areas or as neglected or unattractive areas that are emptied out and deprived of urban life. Depending not only on the situation of the built environment or the uses in a single location, but rather depending on the context of a place in a grid of flows and movement patterns, there are different methods that help us understand why we perceive space as “working” or not...

Exhibit for "Car Culture Cities"

For decades the idea of the car-friendly city dominated urban planning. It can be observed that since a couple of years new models of urban mobility are coming up. Cities like Amsterdam and Copenhagen show the world how car traffic can be reduced and quality of living be improved. In Germany it is different. When it comes to change in urban mobility, the world wide renowned country of car-production is lagging behind. Why are we so much in love with cars?
