
Dott. Mag. Piero Sassi
3 LP/2 SWS
European Spatial Planning
Südliche Friedrichstadt in Berlin. Photograph by Piero Sassi 2022.
The seminar “European Spatial Planning” is part of the module “European cities”. It is specifically designed for students of the master program “European Urban Studies, M.Sc.”. Aim of the seminar is to develop an understanding and a wider reflexion on the diversity of planning cultures in Europe through the analysis of models, theories, key concepts and case studies. Furthermore, this seminar proposes to explore and question more thoroughly some of the main challenges spatial planning is facing in contemporary Europe. We will raise and discuss some of the following questions: what are the main principles of spatial planning in European countries? What are the main challenges spatial planning must face? What are the political and planning responses and what kind of instruments are developed?
Methods: input by the instructor and invited guests; discussions on key topics of spatial planning in Europe; small team works, collective and individual exercises; readings and homework.homework.
Final grade: active participation, individual paper, presentation
Credit hours: 2
ECTS credits: 3
Language: English
Appointment: every Thursday, 9:15 to 10:45 am
14.4, 21.4, 26.5.2022: no meeting
28.04. and 02.06.2022: longer meeting (9:15 to 12:15) Other room! Marienstraße 7b, R. 103
Start: 07.04.2022
Where: Mainbildung (Geschwister-Str. 8) R. 105
The seminar is compulsory for the students of the Master “European Urban Studies”. If you are not involved in the EUS Master and if you want to attend the seminar, please contact Piero Sassi first: