
Erstellt: 29. Juni 2020

New research assistant at the Institute: Ruweida Aljabali

M.S.c Arch Ruweida Aljabali is our new STIBET research assistant at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism. Ruweida has been awarded the STIBET scholarship from DAAD for the year 2020, where she will be able to contribute in current research projects at the university. She will be working with us until December 2020. 

As part of her job, Ruweida will be working at the chair of urban studies and social research, where she will be conducting a study to investigates the impacts of corona on refugees in Weimar and will write a proposal for a research fund addressing the consequences of corona on the urban life of people. Moreover, Ruweida will support the institute in communication activities and the integration process of its (international) students. 

Ruweida is a doctoral candidate at the university since November 2018. Her research examines the role of social capital in building urban resilience in Palestinian refugee camps of Jordan. “I have always been amazed by the abilities of refugees to innovate and manage their lives in exile, whether they are living in refugee camps or urban settings. It is clear that they possess diverse capacities that are beneficial to the sustainable development of their host countries. This, these capacities should be studied and analysed”.


Born in 1989, Ruweida has studied Architecture and Built Environment in Jordan and Technology and Resources Management with a focus on urban and regional management in Cologne, Germany. Since 2014, Ruweida’s main research scope has been the management and planning of refugee camps in the Middle East. For her Master thesis, she has developed an evaluation method to assess urban resilience, which she applied on Zaatari refugee camp; the biggest camp housing Syrian refugees in the Middle East. Next to her studies, Ruweida works in the environmental and social entrepreneurship sector since 2017, where she manages communication duties and provides support in coaching and mentoring for the green entrepreneurs. 

We wish Ruweida a fruitful research work at IfEU

Contact: Marienstr 14, room 209, 99423 Weimar | Email: ruweida.akram.aljabali [at] uni-weimar.de