Design and development of intelligent software systems and interfaces have become increasingly important with the pervasiveness of mobile devices and ubiquitous technologies. In the English-language Human-Computer Interaction Master of Science programme, students focus on theoretical and practical issues in current Computer Science research in interface design and interactive system development. As a consecutive program teaching HCI at an advanced technical level, it requires students to have a solid background in computing-related subjects.
This technically-oriented HCI master’s degree programme further offers the opportunity to participate in interdisciplinary projects and to attend courses from other study programs, such as Media Art and Design, Product Design, Media Architecture, Media Management or faculties, such as Architecture and Urban Design, Art and Design, or Civil Engineering.
Weimar is a great place to live and study. For more information see our page on Studying in Weimar.
Please check out detail information about entry requirements, how to apply and application modalities and see our FAQ page (directed in particular at applicants from outside Germany).
The HCI Master program was started in winter semester 2014/15 and initially accredited by ACQUIN on March 31st 2016. This was extended in 2019 and again in 2022, with the current accreditation running until 2030.
This international master’s degree programme is based on the following two basic pillars:
Further information on the curriculum can be found » here.
The research-oriented master’s programme is taught by internationally renowned professors:
In addition, for their Electives, students can hear classes from all other renowned members of the CS department, such as Prof. Benno Stein (Intelligent Information Systems, Natural Language Processing, Big Data and Machine Learning), Prof. Jan-Oliver Ringert (Software Engineering, model-based software development), Prof. Stefan Lucks (Information/Communication Security and Cryptology, co-developd the the Skein hash function), Prof. Charles Wüthrich (Computer Graphics, collaborates with an educational TV production institution, student projects on game development), Jun.-Prof. Maurice Jakesch (Computational Social Science, algorithmic culture, risks of Large Language Models, ), and PD Dr. Andreas Jakoby (Algorithm Engineering, Digital Watermarking), as well as take courses from throughout the University.
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