Experimental Documentary Filmmaking with Sensorial Ethnography
eingereicht von
Vanessa Maia Ramos-Velasquez
Katarina Bankovic, Felipe Alexander Cuartas Moreno, Moritz Lang, Wing Yan Ng, Rodrigue Saad, Andreas Lorenz Schwab, Tara Sophie Anastasia Thomson, Felix Weller, Freya Woidniok.
Vanessa Maia Ramos-Velasquez
Kunst und Gestaltung
Kunst und Design/Freie Kunst/Medienkunst (Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.))
Art der Präsentation
Sommersemester 2022
- – ONLINE –
- – ONLINE –
Teilnahme an den Bauhaus.Modulen
This online exhibit shows process-based works developed during the Bauhaus.Module course "Experimental Documentary Filmmaking with Sensorial Ethnography", designed to expand perspectives on the questions: "What is nature? How can it be felt? How can we communicate with it? What is the Nature inside of us? What is the Nature Outside of us? How can the two be brought together?" To deal with these questions in filmmaking format, both theory and practice intertwine. Artistic activities arise from experimentation with media and formats and by engaging with the words of a shaman in the book "The Falling Sky" by Davi Kopenawa Yanomami/Bruce Albert as a relational text. By utilizing this book as an operative tool in our sessions, Kopenawa becomes a presence, a teacher from the forest, offering a perspective of nature from deep inside the Amazonian ecosystem. As the course progresses, all participants' perspectives of “Nature Inside and Outside" develop into materials created through those artistic activities. This course is about learning and sharing backgrounds, perspectives and skill sets, unleashing creative potential and experimenting with the cinematic space via Sensory Ethnography. The interdisciplinary approach also takes account the participation of students from all faculties and levels to develop aesthetic concepts beyond visual media into sensorial media in an inclusive and non-hierarchical way.
E-Mail: vanessa.maia.ramos-velasquez[at]uni-weimar.de
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