summaery2022: Projekte

SHAKIN' exhibition


eingereicht von
Samuel Döring

Eva Krivanec, Katja Hettich

Architektur und Urbanistik,
Kunst und Gestaltung,

Architektur (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
MediaArchitecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
European Urban Studies (englischsprachig) (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
Medienwissenschaft (Master of Arts (M.A.)),
Medienwissenschaft - Studienprogramm European Film and Media Studies (EFMS) (Master of Arts (M.A.)),
Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung - Studienprogramm Integrated International Media Art and Design Studies (Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) und Master of Arts (M.A.)),
Human-Computer Interaction (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Art der Präsentation

Wintersemester 2020/21

Ausstellungs- / Veranstaltungsort
  • Karl-Haußknecht-Straße 7
    (Ground Floor)
  • Karl-Haußknecht-Straße 7
    (Ground Floor)

University Lumière Lyon 2, University of Arts Belgrade, Association Independent Cultural Scene Serbia, Stockholm Museum of Womens History, Laboratory of Arts based in Aquitaine (le LABA), Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


The exhibition presents student projects as well as an online in-process handbook on "subaltern knowledge".

The student projects have been conceived in the winter semester 2021/22 by master students of the University Lumière Lyon 2, University of Arts Belgrade and Bauhaus-University Weimar within the SHAKIN' project. Among the projects are performances, exhibitions, interventions in the public space, a feminist audio walk, graffiti and fanzine workshops, documentary film productions and their screenings, writing manifestos, etc. The projects carried out in Lyon in March 2022 will now be shown again at the summaery in Weimar, and some of them will be offered again in the form of workshops.

Also accessible in the exhibition space will be the online in-process handbook on "subaltern knowledge", which has been developed over the last two years since the beginning of the SHAKIN' project and is now being shared and presented publicly for the first time. The handbook wants to create an online space for international research, discussion, reflexive and critical thinking, through the deconstruction of dominant discourses and through a reinforced awareness of minority, subaltern and situated approaches. It does not just collect texts, but also other kind of materials, as well as intercultural cognitive tools to contextually and collectively evaluate their relevance.


SHAKIN' exhibition SHAKIN' exhibition

The exhibition presents student projects from a transnational winter semester programm for master students that deal with so-called "subaltern knowledge" as well as an online in-process handbook on "subaltern knowledge". For further details please check the project description.

  • Beginn: 16.00 Uhr
  • Ende: 17.07.2022 18.00 Uhr
  • Ort: Karl-Haußknecht-Straße 7 - Ground Floor