summaery2022: Projekte

Tabula Rasa


eingereicht von
Isabella Lee Arturo

Prof. Ursula Damm

Kunst und Gestaltung

Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung - Studienprogramm Integrated International Media Art and Design Studies (Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) und Master of Arts (M.A.))

Art der Präsentation

Sommersemester 2022

Ausstellungs- / Veranstaltungsort
  • Marienstraße 7b
  • Marienstraße 7b

interessant für Kinder


This is a transdisciplinary project that involves texts, drawings, a sound installation, a performance and Artificial Intelligence. The installation will be the culmination of a year of questions related to the relationship between power and communication. As a result I will show an artistic experience inspired by two phenomena:

The resistance to forced silencing,
Contemporary cybernetic model of translation and information.

This project invites the public to interact with the art pieces, even to alter certain aspects of them as a creative contribution. By rejecting the idea of the artwork as something untouchable and to be seen from a distance, the project takes inspiration from both Performative Diagrammatics and the tradition of Self-Destructive Art proposed by Gustav Metzger.

The main performance activating the installation will be presented on the first day of Summaery. Thursday the 14th at 7pm in room 204.

This project has the support from the summaeryFonds 2022 of University Communication.


Performance Tabula Rasa

Die Performance zur Aktivierung des Raums findet um 19:00 Uhr in Raum 204 im Gebäude Marienstr. 7b statt. WARNUNG: Dieses Erlebnis kann bei Personen mit lichtempfindlicher Epilepsie möglicherweise Anfälle auslösen. Diskretion des Zuschauers wird empfohlen

  • Beginn: 19.00 Uhr
  • Ende: 20.00 Uhr