Social Enterprises and Nonprofits as Service Providers and Vehicles for Participation in African Megacities

The BMBF-funded collaborative project "Resilient Urban Communities" RUC explores how social enterprises contribute to the resilience of marginalized neighborhoods in Johannesburg, South Africa. The three-year (2021–24) interdisciplinary project is conducted by researchers from WITS University Johannesburg and the German universities University of Münster, University of Applied Science Frankfurt, and Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
The project consists of three components: research, networking, and education. It refers to the main topics "local government," "good governance," and "promotion of the right to the city, particularly for marginalized groups." RUC aims to contribute to expanding the knowledge base on African cities and strengthening their resilience.
The project addresses the SDGs "sustainable cities and communities (11)" and "quality education (4)."
For further information, please follow this link to an interview-based introduction to the project by Prof. Bhekinkosi Moyo, Director of CAPSI at WITS University Johannesburg.
Call for Papers for PhD Seminar in Nairobi

The RUC-Consortium hereby invites you to submit an abstract for the PhD and PostDoc Seminar “Resilient Urban Communities” at Strathmore University Nairobi from 5th to 8th December 2022.
The Seminar is targeted at early to mid-level doctoral students as well as early career researchers conducting research connected to non-profit-organizations and social enterprises in deprived communities and in policy fields such as housing, education, and social services.
The three-day seminar aims to create a supportive environment for PhD's and PostDocs to discuss their projects with peers and experts and to receive useful career training. Some of the seminar topics are building resilience during research, incorporating diverse points of view in your research, types of research approaches and designs, managing the relationships with supervisors /receiving feedback, and publication of high-quality academic articles.
To participate you must participate in person in Nairobi. Travel support might be possible. The deadline for the submission application documents is 3rd August 2022.
For further information please read the call for papers (Link) or go to the seminar website For seminar inquiries and submissions contact ruc-conference[at]