summaery2021: Projekte

Future Artifacts


eingereicht von
Nora Giuliana Iannone, Massimo Scheidegger

Nora Giuliana Iannone, Massimo Scheidegger

Prof. Gerrit Babtist, Dipl.Des. Sarah Böttger

Kunst und Gestaltung

Produktdesign (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.))

Art der Präsentation

Sommersemester 2021

Fachverband Pflanzenkohle


In search of a product that serves a topic that is ever-present to us, Future Artifacts came across biochar. A significant contribution to the fight against climate change.

In agriculture, landscaping and municipal care, a lot of organic waste is produced, such as tree and shrub cuttings, organic waste and harvest residues. These are usually composted or even burned, but in any case, the CO2 that was once stored in the plants is released again.

This does not have to happen, because in the case of biochar, the residual biomass is pyrolyzed and thus the carbon is almost completely captured and remains stored for more than 1000 years.
The waste heat generated during the process is sufficient to operate the production plant and even produces a surplus of energy which can be used for external consumers, e.g. in the form of district heating. Finally, with its placement as terra preta in the soil, coal closes material loops and creates a perfect climate for microorganisms.
All this makes the production of biochar not only a climate-neutral but also a climate-positive process.

With its application as a main component in daily product such as a plant container, a new potential is opened to biochar.

Future Artifacts concern was not to leave it at that, but to plead that biochar as a material finds its place in many other applications. So that it is made easier for everyone to contribute to a better climate.

E-Mail: massimo.werner.scheidegger[at]

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