The struggle of wanting to be seen in an overseen world
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eingereicht von
Benazir Basauri Torres
Jesús Velázquez Rodríguez
Kunst und Gestaltung
Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung - Studienprogramm Media Art and Design (Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.))
Art der Präsentation
Sommersemester 2020
This project deals with the concept of surveillance as its main topic.
Nowadays surveillance technology is used
to monitor public and private spaces and to identify us.
While we download the newest app on our smartphone,
check-in in cool new places while we travel, or add our geolocation to our Instagram story, we are unknowingly(?) providing intimate data to Google, Facebook, or Amazon.
It seems like turning on our location has become
a normalized action in our daily lives.
But what if posting on Facebook could get you arrested?
This is an experimental project that aims to make us start asking questions about that topic, through the development of quotes and face filters to be used on Instagram stories.
Who owns that data?
Why is it bad?
Why biased humans make biased technology?
What can I do?
*This is an on-going project.
E-Mail: benazir.basauri.torres[at]
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