eingereicht von
Sigrid Leyssen
Sigrid Leyssen
Medienkultur (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.))
Art der Präsentation
Sommersemester 2019
Teilnahme an den Bauhaus.Modulen
Anna Rebekka Büser
Alexander Maclaren
Optical Media Revisited: How can we include material objects and sense experiences to diversify our understanding of media history? How can we work with old optical devices to make them challenge our current-day understanding of media and perception? In the seminar Optical Media Revisited we work with historical optical instruments in order to explore the mediality of historical and contemporary perceptual practices. Optical Media Revisited is a collaboration with the Deutsches Optisches Museum in Jena.
Student film projects:
*Anna Rebekka Büser, Popular Stargazing (experimental documentary film)
*Alexander Maclaren, Interface (experimental film): Documenting the physicality of the camera and its function as an intermediary in the process of perception.
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Fokussierte Elemente werden schwarz hinterlegt und so visuell hervorgehoben.
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