summaery2019: Projekte

eingereicht von
Iskin Yagmur Ruzgar
Cansu Naz Tekir, Elham Asadpour, Farzane Vaziri Tabar, Michael Usling, Minhee Ahn, Arda Yeldan, Anna Perepechai, Maedeh Nassouri
Prof. Danica Dakic, Ina Weise, Vanessa Brazeau
Kunst und Gestaltung
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum und neue künstlerische Strategien (englischsprachig) (Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.))
Art der Präsentation
Sommersemester 2019
interessant für Kinder
Seeking Unseen is a lecture series created in the frame of Tag der Lehre. Started by student-teacher Yağmur Ruzgar, the lectures aim to awaken the interest of the participants paid in the public space. Within Seeking Unseen, a collaborative final project has been created—an outcome realized in Weimar, originated from Weimar. The site-specific intervention Sequence of Access is formed by an international group of artists—through their perspective as visitors and possible locals of Weimar. Due to the construction held in the university, the area has been closed to access. For over a year, students/teachers have been directed to create new habits: routes, meeting spots, movements, and pauses. Currently, it’s back in use—some have already forgotten the alterations while some continue with the new habits they have grown. The same applies to many construction sites in the city—seeking for improvement while blocking/orienting/changing the daily routine of the citizen. Sequence of Access is designed as an installation of series of balls filling the gap between two buildings in the campus area. Here, the question is accessibility and how people’s behaviour about the same location change by the limitation of approachability. The work itself adopts an ironical attitude by offering a temporary struggle. Sequence of Access is an interdisciplinary project including urbanism, architecture, art, phycology, and sociology.
E-Mail: iskinyagmurruzgar[at]
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