summaery2019: Projekte

eingereicht von
Zoé Fauvel
Supaksirin Wongsilp (design and display)
\\ Opening hours //
11.07. 16h-20h // 12.07 14h-18h // 13.07. 15h-18h // 14.07. 14h-16h //
*hours can change according to bad weather conditions
Prof. Björn O. Dahlem, Florian Schmidt, Katharina Miriam Wendler
Kunst und Gestaltung
Freie Kunst (Diplom)
Art der Präsentation
– Sonstiges –
Sommersemester 2019
What is in a name?
‘bauhausbitch’ takes the form of a small clothing & accessories line, available for sale on campus in a temporary pop-up shop installation. The ‘bauhausbitch’ items are in between a souvenir, a badge of honour, an ironic statement, a historic trademark, a seal of distinction, a nod to the overlooked, an empowering claim and a guilty pleasure.
What is in a name?
‘bauhausbitch’ is a response to the feeling of alienation and the Impostor Syndrome felt as a student at Bauhaus.
Through the dissemination and sale of those objects, I want to 'wear my heart on my sleeves' and allow others to do so as well. The collection’s items aim at sharing and reclaiming the ambiguities behind a contemporary Bauhäuslerin experience: the desire to belong, identify, criticize, complexify, and if possible, empower oneself through reappropriation, not without a touch of humour and irony, of course.
What is in a name?
“Gropius invented an incisive and highly memorable word that would strikingly encapsulate the programmatic aims of the school while providing it with a unique selling point (as we would say today). From the very beginning, the word “Bauhaus” was used as a trademark: Bauhaus Evenings, Bauhaus Teas, and Bauhaus Festivals were organized; the relaxed “Bauhaus Dance” was danced to music performed by the Bauhaus Band; Bauhaus products, Bauhaus books, and Bauhaus buildings were prepended with the distinguishing name as a verbal sign of quality.” – Annemarie Jaeggi, 2009
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