summaery2019: Projekte

eingereicht von
Frankie Brown
University for the Creative Arts.
Roman Liska.
Kunst und Gestaltung
Freie Kunst (Diplom)
Art der Präsentation
Sommersemester 2019
University for the Creative Arts and Erasmus +
We witness the world through surfaces. The digital screen has the potential to preserve and capture a surface but through an immaterial stance- the ability to almost smear the real by conveying a refined surfacing of the pictorial present. The screen can remove sensory experience but also produce the opposite effect where noise or adjusted marks work by producing something unfamiliar to human sense. This unfamiliar setting can activate the sensory interpretation and use of seeing. It can ask the question of what is being used. Ambiguity is here used.
Placing and selecting a drawing is here positioned on a common day building material. The material base frames the drawing by means of sitting, it lays and is advanced by its formatting.
E-Mail: frankiebrown1998[at]
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