summaery2019: Projekte

eingereicht von
Maria Paula Maldonado Mendoza
Minhee Ahn, Moawya Al Khadra, Nathalia Azuero, Miguel Buenrostro, Suelen Calonga, Lucía Diegó, Adhika Ferdinand, Katherin Gutiérrez, Denise Lee, María Paula Maldonado, Matheus Opa, Eleftheria Panousi, Cansu Naz Tekir, Michael Usling, Farzane Vaziritabar, Elham Asadpour, Vincent Brière, María Constanza Carvajal, Ahram Chae, Sophie Foster, Kathryn Gohmert, Devadeep Gupta, Nikola Kekerović, Asha Lester, Stefan Lesueur, Yael Peri, Yagmur Ruzgar, Edoardo Tedde
Prof. Danica Dakic, Ina Weise, Vanessa Brazeau
Kunst und Gestaltung
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum und neue künstlerische Strategien (englischsprachig) (Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.))
Art der Präsentation
Wintersemester 2018/19
In a culturally rich city like Weimar where every little detail that is of the past has been repurposed for marketing, we ask ourselves: What artistic value lives on in commercially produced souvenirs and memorabilia? Which stories can be connected to these objects and told with them? How can we create souvenirs that strike a different tone, or even comment on our own situation in the University, thus showing the creative kaleidoscope of the contemporary Bauhaus?
The 100th Anniversary of the Bauhaus opened an artistic and creative treasure trove of possibilities, not only to question the extensive activities surrounding the celebrations, but also to deal with the museumification of so-called ‘authentic’ places and objects.
"New" and "other" souvenirs were developed with a critical take on what it means to bring an object home from a museum or a souvenir's store; souvenirs that range from the practical to the absurd, and that play with ideas of memory, object relations and Bauhaus archetypes.
In contrast to a traditional souvenirs store, this pop-up shop explores the dynamics of street vending and informal practices, in order to inquire on prices, sales, editions, and advertisement of objects from an artistic perspective. Two figures come together to create an installation: the hawker (a vendor of merchandise that can be easily transported, stationary or mobile, who often sells inexpensive items) and Sperrmüll (an informal practice conceived also as a souvenir).
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