summaery2019: Projekte

eingereicht von
Teresa Fischer und Anne-Kathrin Schleif
Anne Kathrin-Schleif
Prof. Hermann Stamm, Dipl.-Des. Jens Hauspurg
Kunst und Gestaltung
Lehramt an Gymnasien: Kunst (Zweifachstudium, Doppelfach) (1. Staatsprüfung)
Art der Präsentation
Wintersemester 2018/19
The porn project questions the censorship of female artists. It presents two artistic positions in combination. The first one by Anne-Kathrin Schleif, raising questions of censorship on social media platforms in concern of nude photographs. While pornographic Instagram accounts are able to distribute questionable content, intimate pictures of body tend to be censored, prohibited and delayed. Even though they are far from the genre of pornography, they are still labelled as such through the community guidelines of the social media accounts. This series is being combined with a series by Teresa Fischer called “No Love” which deals with the meaninglessness and anonymity of love statements in the public space. In combination with the title, the series can furthermore be seen as questioning statements and their random use which will render them meaningless essentially. Or it can be seen as an antidote to the sexist language of porn videos which provides “no love” at all. The Porn Project is an antidote to Pornography. It’s a feminist perspective on bodies and the way they create intimacy as well as the question of Love. It combines the questions of public and private space and how those are used in a modern way.
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