summaery2019: Projekte

eingereicht von
Kirsten Angermann
Selma Bulić
Prof. Dr. Hans-Rudolf Meier, Kirsten Angermann
Architektur und Urbanistik
Architektur (Master of Science (M.Sc.))
Art der Präsentation
Sommersemester 2019
Podgorica, the Capital city of Montenegro, through history has experienced various social, political and economic conditions, which influenced its urban development. The 20th century was marked by a fast change of regimes and by frequent wars: WWI, WWII (in which the city was bombed over 70 times), the Yugoslav wars and the NATO attack. Very few architectural monuments were left in the city, and through years, they became its identity. In 2006, Montenegro got independence, but instead of showing more interest into saving its heritage, it is getting more and more destroyed and citizens are left without explanation.
In Podgorica's city center, named Mirkova Varoš (Mirko's City), all the layers of different regimes are visible. The project 'Mirkova Varoš 020: between the past and the future' explores the current situation of the city center – its built structures, historical and political background, social aspects, relations to the other parts of the city and the (in)visible network between all of those. The aim of the project is creating historiographical research of the city center's architecture and the following disciplines, and it is the starting point for creating a strategy for the future of the city.
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