summaery2019: Projekte

eingereicht von
Frankie Brown
University for the Creative Arts.
Roman Liska and Jana Gunstheimer.
Kunst und Gestaltung
Freie Kunst (Diplom)
Art der Präsentation
Sommersemester 2019
University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury School of Fine Art and Erasmus +
How do we come to name? To categorize would mean to give a title that is perhaps familiar, instantly recognizable to the person using the language. Using a range of methods expanding in the process of seeing, the project explores pictorial language of enlarging, descaling and reference of imagery. Here imagery becomes immaterial, it is allowed to escape and be returned in these explorations. Exploring its basis of coming into resistance and it's logic of creation.
Material digitization concerns the image. As we filter images within the distribution of information, we are asked to see and contribute by maybe thinking rather then glancing. Potential of conventional image is questioned. Attempting to loose a 'recognizable image' gives room to explore the unknown and known and how we might access a imbetween status- search and error.
How do we interpret?
E-Mail: frankiebrown1998[at]
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