Sustainable Futures – Interactive Objects at the Spiegelarche
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Artistic Intervention Interface Design, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar × Spiegelarche
We will search for the mysterious, playful, humorous and imaginative use of renewable energies to enable artefacts to become self-sufficient. One focus is on generating energy with the help of the sun. The sun is the closest star to the earth and forms the centre of the solar system. Theoretically, it provides enough energy in one hour to cover the world's energy needs for a year. For this reason, the focus is on the discourse, questioning and discovery of this form of energy from a creative and artistic perspective. In the course of the project module, we will design reactive and interactive objects that feed exclusively on solar energy. This can lead to uncontrollable, complex superimpositions that can astonish, surprise or even disturb us in their appearance, both visually and sonically. The independent life of things, their autonomy and self-sufficiency are at the centre of their presence. This allows projects to emerge that pursue very different approaches and take their own positions.
Bareen, Benjamin Bak, Timo Buhl, Mojjo Krenz, Lalicha Lalitsasivimol, Juyoun Oh, Aleena Raza, Emine Inci Sahin
We are very pleased about the cooperation with the Spiegelarche and thank you for the interesting and exciting collaboration and the opportunity to exhibit in such a great place.