Wunderkammer 4.0 " CABINETS OF INFINITY"
eingereicht von
Zeinab Rahimi and Faezeh Mansourkhaki
Prof. Bernd Rudolf, Prof. Andreas Kästner, Junior Prof. Reinhard König, Dr. Sabine Zierold, Brian Clark, Stefan Kraus, Nezar Abualhalaweh
MediaArchitecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.))
The fundamental concept of our design was to refer to baroque architecture in terms of highly decorative interior space in a new and contemporary way.
We decided to use the minimal surface equation in grasshopper to develop our geometry models. These forms are going to work as a media environment to show some photo collections and also as an interactive place for the visitors.
The software Touchdesinger, the Arduino Uno, and gesture sensor is used as media technology to make the space interactive.
During the design process, we developed 4 modules that are related to the chosen collection of photos, sculptures, paintings, and objects of Gotha museums.
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