Urban building energy modeling: A sustainability & energy study analyzing design proposals of the Ecovillage Hannover competition
eingereicht von
Martin Oravec
Betreuende Professur
Junior Professorship Computational Architecture
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard König,
Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider
Integrated Urban Development and Design (Master of Science (M.Sc.))
This thesis examines an emerging tool for sustainable urban planning, applicable in the earlier stages of the urban design process called UBEM - urban building energy modelling. The method consist of simulating energy demand of urban design proposals and with the help of other sustainable performance simulations, it will be applied on the ongoing urban planning competition Ecovillage Hannover and its correspodning seven design proposals.
The goal is to identify which of the enrolled seven urban design proposals at most fulfils the criteria of a sustainable urban design. From the various assessed criteria - heating energy consumption, solar power and rainwater harvest, thermal and daylight comforts the efficiency of the heating consumption proves to be the largest CO2 contributor, hence the most important criterion of sustainability. From the comparison of the seven urban design proposals, the 5th proposal (Jensen und Hultsch Architekten & Assmann Beraten + Planen) has proven to be the most energy efficient.
The thesis also examines other existing studies and confirms the lack integration of tools using UBEM methods in the urban projects, which results in lack of sustainability’s role in this field. On top of UBEM, another computational method of energy optimization has been acclaimed in this thesis as a prospective urban planning efficiency tool.