go4spring 2021

Neue Natur im Park an der Ilm_New nature in park at the Ilm :: My Tree ... My Friend


eingereicht von
Marah Doleh

Dr. -Ing. Sabine Zierold

MediaArchitecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Chanitnanth Phadungnanonth


The way urban cities evolved, forced humans to disconnect more and more from nature. People are distant from real nature physically and emotionally. Life was built around nature and its resources, now nature has no place in their life. People nowadays consider the concrete cities that they are born in, their “natural” inhabitation. This all leads to disconnection.

Our aim is to solve this issue by creating an abstract way to communicate to nature as a community through this project

My tree my friend aims mainly to connect the people to the park and encourage them to communicate through it. This can also be a place where people express their feelings in a unique way, that is discouraged to do in other parts of the park “graffiti and painting”.

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