Wunderkammer 4.0 "Cubes of Curiosity"
eingereicht von
Berke Inöntepe
Prof. Bernd Rudolf, Prof. Andreas Kästner, Junior Prof. Reinhard König, Dr. Sabine Zierold, Brian Clark, Stefan Kraus, Nezar Abualhalaweh
MediaArchitecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.))
When I was talking to Dr. Preifer Helke, the director of the Schloss Friedenstein Museum, it quickly became apparent what the museum was looking for. They had poured a lot of resources and time into digitizing the artworks and artifacts they have, but did not have a good approach on what to do with all these digital models. Here, I identified two problems I want to address. First, how can you get people interested into the exhibitions at the museum? Second, how can you showcase the digital collection? Combining these issues with my idea for a cabinet of curiosity for the 21st century, I came up with the “Cube of Curiosity.“
The cube is going to be places in areas with high pedestrian traffic. It’s abstract and intangible shape is supposed to appeal to by passers sense of wonder – “what’s that cube doing here?“ By offering a glimpse inside the museum, I want to create a sort of gradient in the otherwise binary museum experience – either you go in or you do not. The underlying idea being to persuade people to actually go to the museum after they have had a glimpse of what is being exhibited. Beyond its physical instance, the cube also serves as an anchor. Onto which the various augmented reality experiences are mapped. Furthermore, augmented reality allows for new formats and new types of interactive exhibitions. Since everything is digital and runs through an app, new content can be added quickly and at little to no cost.
Dateien und Präsentationen
- Final_Presentation_Berke_Inoentepe_Cubes_of_Curiosity.pdf
- Logbuch_Berke_Inoentepe_Cubes_of_Curiosity.pdf
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