Conference Team
Hans-Rudolf Meier: born on 09.11.1956 in Zurich, Switzerland. He is the chair holder for the Preservation of Historical Monuments and Sites and the History of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture, Bauhaus Universität Weimar. He graduated in history of art and medieval archaeology at the University of Basel, where he got also his PhD degree and the Venia legendi with his postdoctoral thesis (habilitation). He was assistant at the Institute of the History of Art, University Basel and at the Medieval Institute of the University of Fribourg, Research-Member of the Swiss Institute in Rome and Assistant Professor at the Institute for Preservation of Historical Monuments at the Faculty of Architecture of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich). 2003-2007 he was Professor for Preservation of Historical Monuments and Building Archaeology and Dean of the post-gradual Master course »Conservation and Urban Development« at the Technische Universität Dresden, bevor he changed to the Bauhaus Universität Weimar, where he was 2011/12 Vice-President. He published 12 Books and more than 80 articles in the field of history and theory of preservation, urban heritage, history of architecture and medieval art history and archaeology.