Chowdhury, Sharmistha

Dr.-Ing. Sharmistha Chowdhury
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Marienstr. 13D, Raum 205
Tel.: +49 (0) 3643/58 44 48
E-Mail: sharmistha.chowdhury[at]




  • Ermüdungsanalyse von Stahlbauwerken
  • Lebenszyklusanalyse von Bauwerken
  • Numerische Modellierung von Strukturen (Ansys Mechanical APDL)
  • Bayes'sche Analyse
  • Structural Health monitoring

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Ausgewählte Publikationen


Chowdhury, S., Arnold, R., & Kraus, M. (2023). Reassessment of Operating Engineering Steel Structures with the First Order Reliability Method and Bayesian Inference. ce/papers, 6(3-4), 2683-2688.

Chowdhury, S., & Zabel, V. (2023). Stochastic selection of fatigue crack growth model for a damaged bridge gusset plate. In: International Journal of Fatigue, 107674.            

Kraus, M.,  Chowdhury, S. (2022). Sensorbasierte Identifikation der Struktursteifigkeit zur Bemessung von Stahltragwerken. In: Stahlbau 92(2), 68-81.

Chowdhury, S., & Zabel, V. (2022, August). Influence of Loading Sequence on Wind Induced Fatigue Assessment of Bolts in TV-Tower Connection Block. In: Results in Engineering 16, 100603. Elsevier.

Chowdhury, S., & Kraus, M. (2022, July). Design-related Reassessment of Structures Integrating Bayesian Updating of Model Safety Factors.  In: Results in Engineering 16, 100560. Elsevier.

Kraus, M., Chowdhury, S., & Wudtke, I. (2021). Intelligent Steel Structures–Measurement‐Based Model Updating Concepts for Innovative Design Strategies. ce/papers, Vol. 4( Issue 2-4), ppp. 1021-1030, September 2021, Wiley Online Library.

Chowdhury, S., Deeb, M., and Zabel, V. (2019, June). Effects of parameter estimation techniques and uncertainty on the selection of fatigue crack growth model. In Structures (Vol. 19, pp. 128-142). Elsevier.

Argyris, C., Chowdhury, S., Zabel, V., and Papadimitriou, C. (2018). Bayesian optimal sensor placement for crack identfication in structures using strain measurements, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, vol. 25, no. 5, p. e2137, Wiley Online Library.

Chowdhury, S., Zabel, V., & Könke, C. (2013). Fatigue assessment of a riveted railway steel bridge: Application of different practical approaches, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, April 2013. Ernst & Sohn.



Chowdhury, S., Zabel, V. Monitoring of a bridge gusset plate during crack propagationwith different measurement systems. 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM), Bilbao, Spain, July 5-8, 2016

Chowdhury, S., Deeb, M., Zabel, V. Reliability based quality assessment for fatigue crack growth models. 12th International Probabilistic Workshop, Weimar, Germany, November 4-5, 2014

Chowdhury, S. Parameter estimation of different fatigue crack growth models.METNET, 9th International seminar, Moscow, Russia, 2014, October 21 - 22, 2014

Chowdhury, S., Olney, P., Deeb, M., Zabel, V. and Smarsly, K. Quality Assessment of Dynamic Response Measurements using Wireless Sensor Networks. 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM), Nantes, France, July 8-11, 2014.

Zabel, V., Chowdhury, S. Investigation of remaining fatigue life of a riveted steel railway bridge with different practical approaches. 14th Bilateral German-Czech symposium Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences, Wuppertal, Germany, June 4-7,, 2014

S. Chowdhury, Application of Modern Engineering Tools in Risk Analysis and Assessments, Rio 20+, United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2012



  • Structural Engineering - Advanced systems
  • Modelling of Structures and Numerical Simulation
  • Design and Interpretation of Experiments: Experiments in Structural Engineering
  • Hoch- und Industriebau – Tragwerksberechnung und Bauteilbemessung im Stahlbau
  • Computerorientierte Berechnungsverfahren im Stahlbau
  • Projekt Konstriktiveringinieurbau


  • (2025 ongoing) Vavachan, Alan Prince. Optimizing clamping bar of the sealing system for steel hydraulic components
  • (2025 ongoing) Haq, Mohammad Ismail Ul. Development of safety verification models for buckling capacity of welded high-strength steel plates 
  • (2025 ongoing) Keebiyage, Malith Neelanth. Fatigue analysis of a logitudinally stiffened orthotropic steel deck (OSD) bridge
  • (2025 ongoing) Sharma, Atul. Fatigue analysis of a transversely stiffened orthotropic steel deck (OSD) bridge
  • (2024) John, Jefry. Modeling and simulation of wind turbines for fatigue life assessment
  • (2024) Nasrabady, Sepehr Samiee. Integrating Kalman filtering into structural health monitoring systems for improved accuracy
  • (2024) Çejku, Diona. Linear time history analysis of medium-sized wind turbin blade (WTB) by modal superposition method
  • (2024) Sathiyamoorthy, Padmaja. Influence of various Rainflow Counting Algorithm on fatigue estimation for a bridge gusset plate
  • (2023) Mendoza, Julio Cesar. Operational stress estimation from limited output-only vibration measurements
  • (2023) Sharma, Sushil. Damage assessment of a medium-sized wind turbine blade (WTB) due to high-cycle fatigue
  • (2023) Patil, Rishabh. Static investigations of a steel fabricated 325 m guy mast tower
  • (2022) Yigezu, Mikiyas Belayneh.  Fatigue analysis of an orthotropic steel deck (OSD) bridge
  • (2022) Baby, Ashly. Deflection estimation of beam-like structures from monitoring strain response
  • (2022) Osindeinde, Lekan Olawale. Parametric stress analysis of longitudinally stiffened orthotropic steel deck (OSD)

Special Projects (NHRE)

  • (2023 ongoing) Alsadi, Mohammad R.M. Lateral torsional buckling analysis of L-shaped angle profiles
  • (2023 ongoing) Haq, Mohammad Ismail Ul. Lateral torsional buckling analysis of L-shaped angle profiles
  • (2023 ongoing) Keebiyage, Malith Nilantha. Digital Roads - Integrating dynamic analysis for life cycle assessment
  • (2023) Sathiyamoorthy, Padmaja. Programming different rainflow couting algorithm (RCA) for stress analysis 
  • (2023) Nasrabady, Sepehr Samiee. Cumulative Damage and Life Prediction Models for High-Cycle Fatigue of Metals  
  • (2023) Çejku, Diona. Cumulative Damage and Life Prediction Models for High-Cycle Fatigue of Metals 
  • (2023) Sreshtha, Alina. Critical moment calculation for lateral torsional buckling due to different loading and boundary conditions (Profile HEA, HEM)
  • (2023) John, Jefrey. Critical moment calculation for lateral torsional buckling due to different loading and boundary conditions (Profile HEA, HEM)
  • (2022) Chang, Omar Bisia Castillo. Critical moment calculation for lateral torsional buckling due to different loading and boundary conditions (Profile IPE, HEB)
  • (2022) Ettaouaje, Omar. Measurement-based model updating of a steel railway bridge
