April 3rd to 7th and Sept. 25th to 29th, 2017 at University of Osijek, Croatia
Adressed topics:
Kick-off meeting from April 3rd to 7th at Osijek University
The aim of it will be:
The project introductory week will be composed of lectures, exercises and team building measures.
Independently work over the whole summer semester:
Groups of 5 students will be assembled from different partner universities thus all 5 groups will have only one member from same university. Groups will be assembled at the beginning of the course on April 3rd. Group assignments will be handed over to the students at the end of the course on April 7th.
The international teams will have to independently work on the given tasks using virtual communication technologies. Additionally flip classes will be regularly offered. Thus the participating students will have the chance to debate and discuss about current results and applied concepts. Further new solving strategies can be discussed with the learning & teaching activity coordinator and partner individual local assistant, together.
The topic will be reinforced concrete frames with masonry infilled walls, with or without openings, with the purpose of prediction of structural behavior under seismic action. The structure for the project assignments will be adopted from previously experimentally tested physical model in a scale 1/2.5 (FRAMA project).
Project closing workshop from Sept. 25th to 29th, 2017 at University of Osijek, Croatia
The project closing workshop week will be mainly composed of lectures, student work in groups, and presentation by the participants.
The participating M.Sc. students will have the opportunity to discuss their research interests with international experts, to create their own networks, and to look for exchange activities and external supervisors.
Upon successful completion of the report (60%), presentation (30%) and by additionally verifying the literacy (10%) the students will be awarded with the grade (1-5) and 6 ECTS credit certificate if they succeed with no less than 60%.
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