
Victoria Behler (links) ist eine der Gewinnerinnen im Elevator-Pitch. (Foto: Thomas Müller)
Erstellt: 06. Juli 2022

Two winners at the Young Talent Competition

Maria Victoria Behler and Dominik Reisach won prizes with their entries in this year's poster competition and elevator pitch.

At the young talent competition of the Alliance of Thuringian Engineering Sciences, young scientists, artists and designers competed against each other in a poster competition and elevator pitch

All 19 competition posters for the poster competition were on display in an online gallery and from June 23 - 29, 2022 in an exhibition at the Weimar University Library. During this period, it was possible to vote online for the best poster.

At the Elevator Pitch, 13 of the 19 posters were presented live in an Elevator Pitch in the Audimax of the Weimar University Library on June 29. The audience decided on the most successful project presentation.

Dominik Reisach won 1st place with his poster "upcycle timber - a design-to-fabrication workflow for free-form timber structures with offcuts".

Victoria Maria Behler took 2nd place in the elevator pitch with her poster "Urban Social Cohesion Lab".
