Join us on Wednesday, 28 June 2023 at the Bauhaus Museum at 6 p.m. for Rajyashri Goody's lecture »Did you open the door, or did you find it open for you?«.
Wednesday, 28 June 2023, 6 p.m.
Bauhaus Museum Weimar
Stéphane-Hessel-Platz 1
99423 Weimar
In this lecture, Rajyashri will introduce her art practice and the context of Dalit social and cultural life that it is situated in. Through sharing examples of her work in text, paper, photography, and clay, she will discuss how the rules of the caste system still infiltrate every aspect of daily life, and despite that, how her Dalit family and community have chosen to resist and move forward.
More specifically, she will discuss her current areas of interest, which include the role of literacy and text in shaping Dalit histories and lives today, and the embedded power the written word holds to define, control and become part of the physical landscape.
Rajyashri Goody is an artist from Pune, India. Goody completed her BA in Sociology at Fergusson College in Pune in 2011, and an MA in Visual Anthropology at the Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology at the University of Manchester, UK in 2013. Goody's art practice is informed by her academic background and her Ambedkarite roots. She is interested in creating space and time for thinking through everyday instances of Dalit resistance, and incorporates reading, writing, ceramics, photography, printmaking, and installation in the hope that these mediums enable further conversations about caste and hierarchies.
In Addition to her two solo shows Is the water chavdar? at Galleryske, New Delhi, 2022, and Eat With Great Delight at Clark House Initiative, Mumbai in 2018 she participated in multiple group exhibitions: Breda Photo, Breda, 2022; Autopoesis, Oyoun, Berlin, 2022; Internalizing a City, VHC, Pune, 2022; New Natures: A Terrible Beauty is Born, Goethe Institut, Mumbai, 2022; Hungry For Time, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria, 2021; At The Kitchen Table, One Shanthi Road, Bengaluru, 2021 – just to name the most recent ones. Goody lives and works in Amsterdam, the Netherlands where she is currently an artist-in-residence at the Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten.
A project by Practices and Politics of Representation, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (Prof. Mona Mahall, Yelta Köm), the MFA-Programme Public Art and New Artistic Strategies (Vertr.-Prof. Ina Weise, Arijit Bhattacharyya, Lea Maria Wittich) and the Professorship Arts and Research (Jun.- Prof. Dr. Alexandra Toland)
Supported by the Projektfonds 1923/2023 of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
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