

Webber. K., Abrahamczyk. L., Legatiuk. D. (2024): Innovative optimization method for internally voided concrete building elements. Proceedings of the 26th Young Researchers Conference, May 2., Online.

Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J., Genes. M.C., Gülkan. P., Langhammer, T., Kaufmann. Ch. (2024): EMS Application to the Hatay Region (SERAMAR Project) Mirroring the Recent Earthquake Sequence. 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June. 30.- July 5., Milan, Italy.

Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J. (2024): How to Link WHE Housing Reports with EMS-98 (IMS-24) Vulnerability Table. 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June. 30.- July 5., Milan, Italy.

Uzair, A., Abrahamczyk, L., Bapir. B., Hasan. P.L. (2024): Investigating the Influence of Induced Seismicity on the Progressive Collapse of High-Rise Structures. 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June. 30.- July 5., Milan, Italy.

Bapir, B., Abrahamczyk, L. (2024): Assessment of Simplified Soil-Structure Interaction Models for Seismic Analysis of RC Buildings. 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June. 30.- July 5., Milan, Italy.

Haweyou, M., Schwarz, J., Abrahamczyk, L., Wenk, Thomas. (2024): Challenges in Damage Prognosis for Reinforced Concrete Structures Concerning the Level of Earthquake-Resistant Design. 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June. 30.- July 5., Milan, Italy.

Lamadrid, L.F.G., Schwarz, J., Abrahamczyk, L. (2024): Methodological Requests for Transforming Building Stocks into an EMS-98 Consistent Typology. 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June. 30.- July 5., Milan, Italy.

Penava. D., Abrahamczyk. L., Anić. F., Dokšanović. T., Piesker. C. Roik. M. (2024): Enhancing Earthquake Performance of Masonry Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames by Wall Tie Anchors. 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June. 30.- July 5., Milan, Italy.

Penava. D., Vrban. A., Valinčić. M., Abrahamczyk. L., Guljaš. I., Kraus. I. (2024): Insights from Rector's Palace in Dubrovnik's Old City Earthquake Performance Assessment w.r.t. Structural Evolution and Interventions. 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June. 30.- July 5., Milan, Italy.

Hasan. P.L., Lamadrid, L.F.G., Abrahamczyk, L., Jamal. B., Saeed. N.M., Schwarz. J. (2024): Empirical Seismic Assessment of Urban Settlements in Developing Countries: Case Study Erbil (Iraq). 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June. 30.- July 5., Milan, Italy.

Ibrahim, R., Hasan. P.L., Saeed. B.A., Hashim. H., Omar. L., Salih. B., Abrahamczyk, L. (2024): Site Response Investigation in Sulaymaniyah City, Kurdistan Iraq by Microtremor Measurements. 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June. 30.- July 5., Milan, Italy.

Penava. D., Uzair. A., Arastooye. M., Beinersdorf. S., Abrahamczyk. L. (2024): Parametric Modelling of Building's Vulnerability Index for Urban Scale Risk Assessment in Dubrovnik's Old City Post-1979 Montenegro Earthquake. 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Mechanics and Engineering, September. 12-14., Belgrade, Serbia. 

Bapir, B., Abrahamczyk, L. (2024): Comparative Study of Simplified Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction Modelling Techniques. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2647(8), 82009.

Bapir, B., Abrahamczyk, L., Afroz, A. (2024): Evaluation of Soil-Structure Interaction for Different RC Structural Systems and Foundation Sizes. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2647(8), 82007.

Lamadrid, L.F.G., Schwarz, J. & Maiwald, H. (2024): The intrinsic problems in EQ damage prognosis: the experience from a systematic evaluation of L’Aquila databases and different levels of data availability. Bull Earthquake Eng.

Schwarz, A., Lamadrid, L. F. G., Schwarz, J. (2024): Description of a Building Stock following IMS Classification Scheme - the Case Study of Aigio, Greece, ESC 2024 - 39th Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Korfu


Schwarz, J., Maiwald, H., Abrahamczyk, L., Morgenthal, G., Hallermann, N. (2023): Methoden für digitale 3D-Lagebilder: Erfahrungen aus dem Hochwasser 2021, Bautechnik 100,

Abrahamczyk, L. and Uzair, A. (2023): On the use of climate models for estimating the non-stationary characteristic values of climatic actions in civil engineering practice. Front. Built Environ. 9:1108328.

Bapir, B., Abrahamczyk, L., Wichtmann, T., Prada-Sarmiento LF. (2023): Soil-structure interaction: A state-of-the-art review of modeling techniques and studies on seismic response of building structures. Front. Built Environ. 9:1120351.

Salzinger, J., Kurniawati, I., Abrahamczyk, L., Höffer, R. (2023): Thinking outside the box  Virtual labs in engineering education. 9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’23), June 19 – 22, Valencia, Spain.

Rinaudo, F., Abrahamczyk, L., Penava, D., Usmanov, S., Anvarova, G., Hidirov, M., Niyazov, J., Usmonov, Sh. (2023): Documentation for environmental risk assessment and mitigation of built Cultural Heritage in Central Asia: the ERAMCA project. CIPA2023 Symposium, June 25-30, Florence, Italy.

Anić, F., Penava, D., Sarhosis, V., Abrahamczyk, L. (2023): Study of simultaneous inter-storey drift IP and OoP loads on RC frames with and without infill walls and openings by a variating angle. 2nd Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering ‒ 2CroCEE (pp. 394-405). Zagreb, Croatia: Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb.

Uzair, A., Abrahamczyk, L., Gómez, D., Elias, K., Vrban, A., Penava, D., Markušić S. (2023): Earthquake Performance of a Cultural Heritage Building: The Jesuit College in Dubrovnik, Croatia. 2nd Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering ‒ 2CroCEE (pp. 394-405). Zagreb, Croatia: Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb.

Uzair, A., Abrahamczyk, L., Vrban, A., Penava, D. (2023): Seismic Performance Assessment of the 18th Century Jesuit College in Dubrovnik’s Old City. Buildings. 13(8):1904.

Uzair, A., Agudelo, D., Abrahamczyk, L. (2023): Quantifizierung des Einflusses der Öffnungsstruktur in Mauerwerksfassaden auf die Zuverlässigkeit der Equivalent Frame Methode. 18. D-A-CH Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen & Baudynamik, Sept. 14.-15., Kiel, Germany.

Haweyou, M., Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J. (2023): Fragility functions of reinforced concrete structures with earthquake-resistant design – a challenge concerning the damage prognoses. 18. D-A-CH Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen & Baudynamik, Sept. 14.-15., Kiel, Germany.

Hasan, P. L., Beinersdorf, S., Schwarz, J. (2023): Reliability of SHAKEmaps for rapid response decisions – as a question of time and generation procedure. 18. D-A-CH Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen & Baudynamik, Sept. 14.-15., Kiel, Germany.

Lamadrid, L.F.G., Schwarz, J. (2023): Data evaluation for reliable earthquake damage prognosis models. 18. D-A-CH Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen & Baudynamik, Sept. 14.-15., Kiel, Germany.

Lamadrid, L.F.G., Schwarz, J., Maiwald, H. (2023): The impact of building location on seismic damage – an analysis of empirical data. 18. D-A-CH Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen & Baudynamik, Sept. 14.-15., Kiel, Germany.

Schwarz, J., Beinersdorf, S., Kaufmann, C., Langhammer, T., Golbs, C., Abrahamczyk, L., Alex, Jens. (2023): Hazard-consistent risk scenarios for buried infrastructure networks and components. 18. D-A-CH Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen & Baudynamik, Sept. 14.-15., Kiel, Germany.

Penava, D., Valinčić, M., Vrban, A., Abrahamczyk, L., Guljaš, I., Kraus, I. (2023): The Effects of Strong Earthquakes on Built Heritage: A Preliminary Case Study of Rector’s Palace in Dubrovnik’s Old City. Sustainability. 15(20):14926.


Abrahamczyk, L., Webber, K., Rinaudo, F., Penava, D., Usmanov, S., Anvarova, G., Hidirov, M., Niyazov, J., Usmonov, Sh. (2022): Cultural heritage assets in central Asia – Interdisciplinary approach to the complex problem of environmental risk assessment. Perspectives of Higher Education Development No.12, NEO Uzbekistan.

Maiwald, H., Schwarz, J., Kaufmann, Ch., Abrahamczyk, L. (2022): Das Hochwasser 2021 - Ingenieuranalyse der Bauwerksschäden. Bautechnik 99. 12. 878-890.

Abrahamczyk L., Penava D., Markušić S., Stanko D., Hasan P.L., Haweyou M., Schwarz J. (2022): Die Magnitude 6,4 – Erdbeben in Albanien und Kroatien – Ingenieuranalyse der Erdbebenschäden und Erfahrungswerte für die Baunormung. Mauerwerk 3/2022, H. 1, S. 18–30.

Abrahamczyk L., Penava D., Markušić S., Stanko D., Hasan P.L., Haweyou M., Schwarz J. (2022): Die Magnitude 6,4 – Erdbeben in Albanien und Kroatien – Ingenieuranalyse der Erdbebenschäden und Erfahrungswerte für die Baunormung. Bautechnik 99, H. 1, S. 18–30.

Abrahamczyk, L., Webber, K., Rinaudo, F., Penava, D., Usmanov, S., Anvarova, G., Hidirov, M., Niyazov, J., Usmonov, Sh. (2022): Environmental risk assessment and mitigation on Cultural Heritage assets in Central Asia [Extended Abstract]. 10thICCSM, Pula, Croatia.

Abrahamczyk, L., Mirboland, M., Koch, Ch., Penava, D., Höffer, R., Apostolska, R., Lopes, N., Kähler, U. (2022): Holographic/Virtual Experiments for Higher Education in Structural Engineering [Extended Abstract]. 10thICCSM, Pula, Croatia.

Abrahamczyk, L., Uzair, A., Agudelo, D. (2022): Quantification of Irregularity in Unreinforced Masonry Façades with respect to the Reliability of Equivalent Frame Method [Extended Abstract]. 10thICCSM, Pula, Croatia.

Anić, F., Penava, D., Sarhosis, V., Abrahamczyk, L. (2022): Study of Simultaneous Inter-Storey Drift IP and Oop Loads on RC Frames with and without Infill Walls and Openings by a Variating Angle [Extended Abstract]. 10thICCSM, Pula, Croatia.

Penava, D., Abrahamczyk, L., Sharma, S., Cavaleri, L., Mohebkhah, A., Sarhosis V. (2022): The effect of confinement of openings on shear resistance of RC frame with URM infill wall structure components [Extended Abstract]. 10thICCSM, Pula, Croatia.

Abrahamczyk, L., Uzair, A., Agudelo, D. (2022): Quantification of Irregularity for Unreinforced Masonry Walls in Association with the Reliability of the Equivalent Frame Method. Conference: 10th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, September, 28-30, Pula, Croatia.

Penava, D., Abrahamczyk, L., Ramadhan, F., Guljas, I. (2022): The “accidental” torsion effects w. r. t. strain measurements in a large-scale three-storey RC frame building with URM infill walls under shake- table tests. Conference: 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Bucharest, 4-9 September.

Mirboland, M., Tasliarmut, F., Abrahamczyk, L., Koch, Ch. (2022): A mixed reality application for holographic structural analysis experiments. Conference: 2022 European Conference on Computing in Construction, DOI: 10.35490/EC3.2022.206.


Abrahamczyk L., Penava, D., Haweyou M., Anić F,. Schultz A.E., Rautenberg J. (2021): Assessment of damage to modern reinforced concrete buildings - Engineering analysis of the M6.4 Albania earthquake, 26th of Nov. 2019. 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2021), paper C19114.

Abrahamczyk, L., Haweyou, M., Schwarz, J. (2021): Vertrauenswürdigkeit nichtlinearer Analysen und Schadensprognosen: Stahlbetonrahmentragwerke mit Torsionsunregelmäßigkeiten. 17. D-A-CH Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen & Baudynamik (D-A-CH 2021), Sept. 16.-17., online, Switzerland.

Anić F., Penava D., Guljaš I., Sarhosis V., Abrahamczyk L. (2021): Out-of-plane Cyclic Response of Masonry Infilled RC Frames: An Experimental Study. Engineering Structures, Vol. 238.

Anić F., Penava D., Sarhosis V., Abrahamczyk L. (2021): Development and Calibration of a 3D Micromodel for Evaluation of Masonry Infilled RC Frame Structural Vulnerability to Earthquakes. Geosciences 2021, 11, 468.

Anić, F., Penava, D., Guljaš, I., Abrahamczyk, L. (2021): Out-of-Plane Behaviour of Masonry Infilled RC Frames with Openings under Cyclic Loading. 1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (1CroCEE), Zagreb, Croatia, 22-24 March 2021, extended abstract.

D’Ayala, D., Sun, L., Fayjaloun, R., Gehl, P., Toma-Danila, D., Morga, M., Borzi, B., Bozzoni, F., Di Meo, A., Faravelli, M., Ozcebe, A.G., Halldórsson, B., Darzi, A., Þorvaldsdóttir, S., Ozer, E., Tubaldi, E., Haweyou, M., Schwarz, J., Abrahamczyk, L., Martinelli, M., Korff, M. (2021): Report on recommendations on functionality loss functions for buildings and infrastructure components to be used in rapid response context. Deliverable D4.3 TURNkey project H2020-SC5-2018.

Fayjaloun, R., Gehl, P., Roullé, A., Lemoine, A., Auclair, S., Darzi, A., Halldorsson, B., Rahpeyma, S., Borzi, B., Bozzoni, F., Ozcebe, A.G., Zuccolo, E., Bossu, R., Landès, M., Roch, J., Roussel, F., Balan, St.F., Cioflan, C., Apostol, B., Melis, N., Liadopoulos, S., Ruigrok, E., Kruiver, P., Schwarz, J., Hasan, P.H., Beinersdorf, S., Abrahamczyk, L. (2021): Report on improved procedures for rapid mapping of earthquake shaking, including adjustment factors for local site effects (RRE). Deliverable D3.8 TURNkey project H2020-SC5-2018.

Gehl, P., Fayjaloun, R., Negulescu, C., Auclair, S., Roullé, A., Tubaldi, E., Özer, E., D’Ayala, D., Sun, L., Molina, S., Kharazian, A., Borzi, B., Bozzoni, F., Di Meo, A., Faravelli, M., Ozcebe, A., Darzi, A., Bessason, B., Halldórsson, B., Hadidian, N., Haweyou, M., Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz J. (BUW) (2021): Report on procedures for rapid mapping of earthquake losses. Deliverable D4.8 TURNkey project H2020-SC5-2018.

Schwarz, J., Abrahamczyk, L., Hadidian, N., Haweyou, M., Kaufmann, Ch. (2021): Report on Knowledge-based exposure modelling framework depending on the accuracy and completeness of available data. Deliverable D4.1 TURNkey project H2020-SC5-2018.

Penava D., Abrahamczyk L., Al Hanoun Mhd. H., Schwarz J. (2021): The 2019 M6.4 Durres (Albania) EQ Damage to Infilled RC Framesin Correlation with Shake Table Experiments. 1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (1CroCEE), Zagreb, Croatia, 22-24 March 2021, extended abstract.

Trajber, D., Penava, D., Rinaudo, F., Sarhosis, V., Abrahamczyk, L. (2021): A review of existing masonry arch bridges in CroatiaConference: Common Foundations 2021, DOI: 10.5592/CO/ZT.2021.16.

Trajber, D., Penava, D., Rinaudo, F., Sarhosis, V., Abrahamczyk, L. (2021): Construction types and typologies of existing masonry arch bridges in CroatiaIOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1209, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/1209/1/012063.

Trajber, D., Penava, D., Rinaudo, F., Sarhosis, V., Abrahamczyk, L. (2021). A Review of Existing Masonry Arch Bridges in Croatia. Proceedings of the 32nd DAAAM International Symposium, pp.0740-0744, B. Katalinic (Ed.), Published by DAAAM International, ISBN 978-3-902734-33-4, ISSN 1726-9679, Vienna, Austria, DOI: 10.2507/32nd.daaam.proceedings.103.


Abrahamczyk, L., Brzev, S., López Menjivar, M.A., Silva, V., Lang, D.H., Schwarz, J. (2020): WHE Housing Reports – A review with respect to past and current earthquake damage observation. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE), Sendai, Japan, 27 Sept - 2 Oct. 2021, Paper-No. 1396.

Anić F., Penava D., Abrahamczyk L., Sarhosis V. (2020): A review of experimental and analytical studies on the out-of-plane behavior of masonry infilled frames. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 18:2191-2246.

Hadidian N., Abrahamczyk L., Schwarz J. (2020): Elaboration and systematization of urban infrastructure. Deliverable D2.5. TURNkey project. H2020-SC5-2018.

Halldorsson, B., Darzi, A., Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J., Balan, St., Tiganescu, A., Marmurean, A., Dragos, T., Fayjaloun, R., Gehl, P., Melis, N., Liadopoulos, S., Giannaraki, G., Bozzoni, F., Zuccolo, E., Borzi, B., Di Meo, A., Lai, C.G., Faravelli, M., Ozcebe, A.G., Ruigrok, E., van den Hazel, G.-J., Domingo-Ballesta, J., Martinelli, M., Korff, M., Weber, B., Curone, D., Chersich, M., Papageorgiou, A.S. (2020): Report on seismic ground motion and urban infrastructure monitoring systems across TBs. Deliverable D2.3. TURNkey project. H2020-SC5-2018.

Penava D., Arciniega Larrea D.A., Anić F., Abrahamczyk L. (2020): Architectural and engineering design criteria for earthquake resistant masonry infilled frames containing openings. Environmental Engineering-Inženjerstvo okoliša, Vol. 7(1).

Penava D., Pujol S., Schultz A., Sim C., Rautenberg J.M., Abrahamczyk L., Mustafaray E., Anić F., Haweyou M., Gjoci A. & Mema, J. (2020): Potres M6,4 u Draču u Albaniji 26. studenoga 2019. godine: uviđaj radne skupine „American Concrete Institute“ tehničkog odbora 133 „Disaster Reconnaissance“. 10th Assembly of Croatian Society of mechanics. Slavonski Brod.

Schwarz J., Kaufmann Ch., Ansari M., Abrahamczyk L., Penava D., Anić F., Isaković T., Anzlin A. Kähler U., Lopes N., Kövesdi B., Dunai L. (2020): EXCHAIN – Collaborative Platform and Database to share experimental data, results and acquired knowledge17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE), Sendai, Japan, 27 Sept - 2 Oct. 2021, Paper-No. 4454.

2019 - 2016

Hanoun M.H., Abrahamczyk L., Schwarz J. (2019): Macro-modeling of in- and out-of-plane behavior of unreinforced masonry infill wallsBulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 17(1):519-535.

Anić F., Penava D., Abrahamczyk L., Sarhosis V. (2019): Computational evaluation of experimental methodologies of out-of-plane behavior of framed-walls with openings.Earthquakes and Structures, Vol. 16(3):pp.265-277.

Abrahamczyk, L., Al Hanoun, Mhd. H., Penava, D., Schwarz, J. (2019): Systematische Annäherung an das Verhalten von mauerwerksausgefachten Rahmentragwerken unter seismischen Einwirkungen, 16. D-A-CH Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen & Baudynamik (D-A-CH 2019), Sept. 26.-27., Innsbruck, Austria.

Abrahamczyk, L., Al Hanoun, Mhd. H., Penava, D., Schwarz, J. (2019): Model Quality Assessment for RC Frames with URM Infill walls subjected to horizontal cyclic Loading, 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (CCEE 2019), June 17‐20, 2019, Quebec City.

Al Hanoun Mhd. H., Abrahamczyk L., Penava, D., Schwarz J. (2019): Effect of masonry mechanical and geometrical properties on the out-of-plane response of URM infill walls. 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2019), abstract only.

Anić, F., Penava, D., Burilo, D., Abrahamczyk, L., Sarhosis, V. (2019): Comparison of experimental and analytically predicted out-of-plane behavior of framed-masonry walls containing openings. 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2019), M. Papadrakakis, M. Fragiadakis (eds.), 24–26 June 2019, Crete, Greece, pp. 2441.

Penava, D., Anić, F., Sarhosis, V., Abrahamczyk, L. (2019): Distribution of shear resistance among components of r. C. Frames with masonry infill walls containing confined door and window openings. 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2019), M. Papadrakakis, M. Fragiadakis (eds.), 24–26 June 2019, Crete, Greece, pp. 2418.

Abrahamczyk L., Jaouadi Z., Kähler U., Legatiuk D. (2018): Methoden zur Identifi­ka­tion von Zugvorbeifahrten aus kontinuierlichen Messdaten. Bautechnik 95 (7).

Anić, F., Penava, D., Guljaš, I., Sarhosis, V., Abrahamczyk, L., Butenweg, Ch. (2018): The effect of openings on out-of-plane capacity of masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames. 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ECEE), Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-21 June 2018, Paper-ID: 10168.

Anić, F., Penava, D., Legatiuk, Abrahamczyk, L., D., Kähler, U. (2018): The Characteristics of 2D and 3D Modelling Approach in Calibration of Reinforced Concrete Frames Cyclic Behaviour. 9th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, 18 - 22 Sept. 2018, Split, Croatia.

Anić, F., Penava, D., Lozančić, S., Sarhosis, V., Abrahamczyk, L. (2018): Computational Study on the Effects of Gravity Load on OoP Inter Storey Drift Approach of URM Infilled RC Frame. 9th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, 18 - 22 Sept. 2018, Split, Croatia.

Anić, F., Penava, D., Abrahamczyk, L., Sarhosis, V. (2018): Simplified metho­dolo­gies for out-of-plane resistance verification of framed-masonry walls. Young Scientist 2018, 10th International Scientific Conference of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tatranská Lomnica - Hotel Sorea Urán, April 26 - 27, 2018.

Anić, F., Penava, D., Abrahamczyk, L., Sarhosis, V. (2018): Pre-design of Experiment on Out-of-Plane Behaviour of Framed-Masonry Walls with Openings. In: 36th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, 2nd – 7th Sept. 2018, Valletta-Malta.

Gantar, U., Habijanić, H.-E., Nashi, H., Jankovic, G., Jozinović, M., Mukthar, R., Qdeimat, M., Pereira Abrigo, D.G., Vilceanu, V., Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J. (2018): Evaluation of Existing RC Structures under Multiple Extreme Impacts. In Proceedings: Forecast Engineering: From Past Design to Future Decision. Graduate Courses for Structural Engineering Application 2015 & 2016 Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau. Bauhaus Universitätsverlag, Vol. 32.

Göbel L., Mucha F., Kavrakov I., Abrahamczyk L., Kraus M. (2018): Einfluss realer Materialeigenschaften auf numerische Modellvorhersagen: Fallstudie Betonmast. Bautechnik 95 (2), 111-122.

Petrus, C., Maric, D., Thomaidis, I., Thomaidis, I.-P., Piombo, S., Scagliotti, G., Dimitrenko, E., Tirado, R.J., Kahsay Hagos, S., Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J. (2018): Evaluation of Existing Masonry Structures under Multiple Extreme Impacts. In Proceedings: Forecast Engineering: From Past Design to Future Decision. Graduate Courses for Structural Engineering Application 2015 & 2016 Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau. Bauhaus Universitätsverlag, Vol. 32.

Abrahamczyk, L., Langhammer, T, Schwarz, J. (2017): Vulnerability assessment of large building stocks – Lessons from the SERAMAR project. In: 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE), Santiago, Chile, 9-13 January 2017, Paper-No. 2046.

Abrahamczyk, L., Lang, D.H., Schwarz, J. (2017): WHE-Reports as a complemen­tary database towards the development of an International Macroseismic Scale. In: 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE), Santiago, Chile, 9-13 January 2017, Paper-No. 3657.

Abrahamczyk, L., Hanoun M.H. Al, Penava, D., Schwarz, J. (2017): Vertrauens­würdigkeit nichtlinearer Analysen: Rahmentragwerke unter Erdbebeneinwirkungen. In: 13. Bau­statik-Baupraxis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 20-21 März 2017.

Abrahamczyk, L., Alkam, F., Al Hanoun, H., Göbel, L., Jaouadi, Z., Kraus, M. Kavrakov, I., Legatiuk, D., Mucha, F., Rau. S. (2017): GRK 1462 - Reference project “Poles”: monitoring system, lab experiments and long-term measurements. GRK International Workshop 2017, 26th-28th April, Weimar.

Hanoun, M.H., Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J. (2017): Numerical simulation of RC frame structures with infill walls under consideration of out-of-plane behavior. In: 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE), Santiago, Chile, 9-13 January 2017, Paper-No. 4917.

Mirboland, M., Abrahamczyk, L., Lahmer, T. (2017): Damage detection based on response measurements. D-A-CH Tagung 2017, Weimar

Abrahamczyk L., Schwarz J., Leipold M. (2016): Normenbezogene Schadens­erwartung von Stahlbetonrahmensystemen in Schwach- und Starkbebengebieten. Bautechnik 93 (4), 265-277.

Göbel, L., Mucha, F., Jaouadi, Z., Kavrakov, I., Legatiuk, D., Abrahamczyk, L., Kraus, M., Smarsly, K. (2016): Monitoring the structural response of reinforced concrete poles along high-speed railway tracks. In Proceedings: International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering - Conference segment on Reliability, 22-24 August 2016, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark

Shetty, N., Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J. (2016): Quality assessment of equivalent strut models for RC frames with URM infill walls. In Proceedings: Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC) 2016, Leuven, Belgium, 13-15 September 2016.

2015 - 2011

Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J., Genes, M.C. (2015): Analytical Assessment of Existing Masonry Structures under EQ Loading by the use of ambient vibration measurements. 3rd Turkish Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (3.TDMSK), October 14-16, Izmir.

Abrahamczyk, L., Langhammer, T., Schwarz, J. (2015): Strategies for the vulner­ability assessment of large building stocks. In: SECED 2015 Conference: Earth­quake Risk and Engineering towards a Resilient World, 9-10 July 2015, Cambridge UK.

Schwarz J., Abrahamczyk L., Leipold M., Wenk T. (2015): Vulnerability assessment and damage description for R.C. frame structures following the EMS-98 principles. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering Vol. 13 (4), 1141-1159.

Abrahamczyk, L.; Schwarz, J., Genes, M.C. (2014): Qualification of seismic risk studies on the basis of instrumentally verified vulnerability functions for R.C. buil­ding types. In Proceedings: 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Anchorage Alaska, 21-25 July 2014.

Bougatsas, K., Colaco, A., Furtado, A., Garcia, H., Giotis, G., Mikec, J., Mukherjee, A., Pap, Z., Santos, R., Triller, P., Psyrras, N., Ziakas, R., Shetty, N., Abrahamczyk, L. Schwarz, J. Genes, M.C. (2014): Evaluation of existing masonry structure under multiple extreme impacts. In Proceedings of Bauhaus Summer School: Model Validation and Simulation, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Band 30, VDG Verlag Weimar

Marzban, S., Schwarz, J., Abrahamczyk, L. (2014): Experience-Based Assessment of Yield Displacement Estimates for Reinforced Concrete Walls. In 12th International Probabilistic Workshop, Weimar, Germany, November 4-5, 2014.

Abrahamczyk L., Schwarz J., Langhammer T., Genes M.C., Bikce M., Kacin S. and Gülkan P. (2013): Seismic Risk Assessment and Mitigation in the Antakya-Maras Region (SERAMAR): Empirical Studies on the basis of EMS-98. Earthquake Spectra Vol. 29 (3), 683-704.

Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J., Wenk T. (2013): Vulnerability assessment and damage description for R.C. frame structures following the EMS principles. In Proceedings: Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics & 13. D-A-CH Tagung, Wien, Österreich, 28-30 August 2013, Wien (Minisymposium M12: Conclusions from 15 years of international experience with the EMS-98).

Erberik M. A., Yakut A., Geneş M.C., Abrahamczyk L., Bikçe M., Kaçın S., Langhammer T., Gülkan P., Schwarz J. (2013): Characteristics of unreinforced masonry buildings in Antakya through filed survey. 2nd Turkish Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology – TDMSK -2013, September 25-27, 2013, Antakya, Hatay/Turkey.

Kampenhuber, D., Moschen, L., Pavel, F., Sinkovic, K., Radoslav, O., Felja, I., Hoxha, M., Velcheva, V., Gyorko, Z., Celik T.B., Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J. (2013): Project 3 – Damage assessment of a commercial building due to the main shock and after shock from the Van-Ercis earthquake 2011. In Proceedings of Bauhaus Summer School: Model Validation and SimulationSchriftenreihe des Instituts für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Band 27, VDG Verlag Weimar.

Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J., Langhammer, T., Genes, M.C., Bikçe, M., Kaçin, S., Yakut, A., Erberik, A.M., Gülkan, P. (2012): Empirical and Analytical Vulnerability Assessment of the Masonry Building Stock in Antakya (Hatay/ Turkey). In Proceedings 15th World Conference Earthquake Engineering, Lisboa, Paper 1081.

Genes, M.C., Erberik, A.M., Abrahamczyk, L., Gülkan, P., Bikçe, M., Kaçin, S., Yakut, A., Schwarz, J. (2012): Vulnerability assessment of two instrumented masonry buildings in Antakya (Hatay, Turkey). In Proceedings: 10th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering ACE2012, Middle East Technical University, Cultural and Convention Center, Ankara Turkey, 17-19 October 2012, Paper 1019.

Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J., Langhammer, T., Leipold, M. (2011): Instrumentally based vulnerability studies for the building stock of the SERAMAR project. Proceedings of 63rd EERI Annual Meeting, February 9-12, 2011, San Diego, CA, USA. (Page 171).

2010 - 2004

Abrahamczyk L., Schwarz J., Lobos D., Maiwald H. (2010): Das Magnitude 8.8 Maule (Chile)-Erdbeben vom 27. Februar 2010 – Ingenieuranalyse der Erdbeben­schäden. Bautechnik 87 (8), 462–473.

Maiwald H., Schwarz J., Abrahamczyk L., Lobos D. (2010): Das Magnitude 8.8 Maule (Chile)-Erdbeben vom 27. Februar 2010 – Ingenieuranalyse der Tsunamischäden. Bautechnik 87 (10), 614–622

Genes, M.C., Bikçe, M., Kaçın, S., Akyuz, U., Gülkan, P., Schwarz, J., Lang, D.H., Abrahamczyk, L. (2009): Identification of dynamic characteristics of multistory RC structures by combining instrumental and numerical data: case study Antakya, Turkey. In Proceedings: Earthquake & Tsunami 2009, Istanbul, Turkey.

Schwarz J., Langhammer T., Leipold M., Abrahamczyk L., Kaufmann Ch., Lang D.H., Riedel S. (2008): Bewertung der Erdbebenverletzbarkeit eines Gebäude­bestandes in innerstädtischen Großräumen – Phase 1 des SERAMAR Projektes. Bauingenieur 83 – D-A-CH Mitteilungsblatt, 2-10.

Schwarz J., Abrahamczyk L., Amstein S., Kaufmann Ch., Langhammer T. (2006): Das Waldkirch-Erdbeben (Baden-Württemberg) vom 5. Dezember 2004. Bautechnik 83 (3).

Schwarz J., Abrahamczyk L., Langhammer T. (2006): Zuordnung von Ver­waltungseinheiten zu den Erdbebenzonen der DIN 4149:2005 – Nachtrag zum Beitrag: Erdbebengebiete der Bundesrepublik Deutschland – eine statistische Auswertung. Bautechnik 83 (2), 144--146.

Abrahamczyk L., Langhammer T., Schwarz, J. (2005): Erdbebengebiete der Bundes­­republik Deutschland – eine statistische Auswertung. Bautechnik 82 (8).

Abrahamczyk, L., Schott, C., Schwarz, J., Swain, T.M. (2004): Vulnerability of RC frame structures in Turkish earthquake regions (Part II): Modeling and analysis. Proceedings: 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver/Canada, 2004.

Lang, D.H., Schwarz, J., Abrahamczyk, L., Schott, C., and Swain, T. (2004): Instrumental testing and numerical investigation of RC frame structures in Turkish earthquake regions. Proceedings of the: Third European Conference on Structural Control (3ECSC), Vienna University of Technology, Austria, 2004.

Schwarz J., Abrahamczyk L., Lang D.H., Maiwald H. (2004): Ingenieuranalyse von Erdbebenschäden: Das Bingöl (Türkei) Erdbeben vom 1. Mai 2003. Bautechnik 81 (6).

Bücher/Special Issue

Penava D., Abrahamczyk L., Petrovčič S. (2021): Special Issue - Risk and Vulnerability Assessment of Residential and Commercial Building Types for Earthquake Ground Shaking. Geosciences (ISSN 2076-3263),

Rodrigues H., Abrahamczyk L., Barbosa A., Shi H., Ferreira T. (2021): Special Issue on Natural Hazards and Risk Challenges to Civil Engineering 2020. Advances in Civil Engineering, Vol. 2021 |

Penava D., Abrahamczyk L. (2020): Special Issue - Environmental Hazards. Journal of Environmental Engineering-Inženjerstvo okoliša, Vol. 7(1), ISSN 1849-5079,

Penava D., Anić F., Abrahamczyk L., Guljaš I. (2018): International Elective Master of Science Course (IntElM) Nonlinear Analysis of Structures: Reinforced Concrete Frames with Masonry Infill Walls, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Građevinski i arhitektonski fakultet Osijek, 2019 (ISBN 978-953-6962-57-0; link).

Vilceanu V., Abrahamczyk L., Morgenthal G. (2019): International Elective Master of Science Course (IntElM) Nonlinear Analysis of Structures: Wind Induced Vibrations, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Rodrigues H., Abrahamczyk L., Barbosa A., Shi H., Ferreira T. (2018): Special Issue on Natural Hazards and Risk Challenges to Civil Engineering. Advances in Civil Engineering, Vol. 2019 |Article ID 4365075 |

Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J. (2019): Forecast Engineering: From Past Design to Future Decision - Graduate Courses for Structural Engineering Application 2018. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J. (2019): Forecast Engineering: From Past Design to Future Decision - Graduate Courses for Structural Engineering Application 2017. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J. (2018): Forecast Engineering: From Past Design to Future Decision - Graduate Courses for Structural Engineering Application 2015 & 2016Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Band 32, VDG Verlag Weimar (ISBN: 978-3-95773-259-0).

Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J. (2015): Proceedings: Bauhaus Summer School – Forecast Engineering: Global Climate Change & Challenges for Built Environment. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Band 30, VDG Verlag Weimar (ISBN: 978-3-95773-206-4).

Abrahamczyk, L. (2014): Kenngrößen zur Prognose des Verhaltens von Geschossbau­werken in Erdbebengebieten und Kriterien für den Ertüchtigungsbedarf. Dissertation. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Band 24, VDG Weimar.

Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J. (2014): Proceedings: Bauhaus Summer School – Model Validation and Simulation (Vol. II). Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Band 27, VDG Verlag Weimar (ISBN: 978-3-95773-177-7).

Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J., Werner, F. (2013): Proceedings: Bauhaus Summer School – Model Validation and Simulation. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Band 23, VDG Verlag Weimar (ISBN: 978-3-95895-019-1).