Bicycle Garage in Utrecht

Entwurfsbearbeitung: Henrike Kramer
Sommersemester 2023, Bachelorthesis

A Case Study and Analysis

This work examines the bicycle parking facility ‘Fietsenstalling Stationsplein’ in Utrecht, investigating parameters that promoted its construction, the enhancements it brings to the city, and why it is so effective. 

The work analyzes the bicycle garage and evaluates it in terms of functionality and benefits. It discusses three theses which show the feasibility of viable change and may serve as a scientifically researched ‘best practice’ example for the implementation of sustainable change in mobility and infrastructure. 

The foundation for the analysis are my own experiences and collected data in Utrecht regarding the use of the bicycle parking garage, the statements from the municipality and architects, as well as previously researched data from literature and online sources. 

The bicycle parking facility improved Utrecht, both in its structure and infrastructure. Despite local and management challenges, the needs of the population and city and the supply/demand ratio justified high expenditure, initiative and effort concerning the facility. The parking garage is spacious, safe and well organized, its usage quick and convenient. It works because of the effective surrounding infrastructure, which in turn is enhanced thanks to the effectiveness of the facility. The project can be used as a positive example for implementation of large scale sustainable projects in urban context.