Lecture, Winter 2020/21
In this lecture series with integrated exercises 1st year architecture and urbanism students get to know the basics in computational design methods.
Architectural and urban planning are facing major challenges. Globalization, urbanization, automation, increasing life expectancy and global population growth create a high demand for housing, social and transportation infrastructure. Against the backdrop of increasing scarcity of ressources and a consistently high cost and time pressure planners are faced with tasks with an unprecedent complexity. The lecture series "Introduction to Planning" gives an overview of these current challenges and provide methods, by means of which planning processes can be supported useful. These methods are aimed not only at increasing the efficiency of work processes, but make a significant contribution to improving the quality of the planning results. The lecture series is accompanied by practical exercises in which students gain an insight into the various planning methods.
Study Program: Bachelor Architecture, Bachelor Urbanism
Credits: 3 ECTS
Time & Place: Monday, 11:00, online
Lecturer: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider
Student Assistants: Jacob Pertz, Dominik Reisach