Students win 1st prize for Affordable Housing Design System
Phil Niemeyer and Felix Roder won first prize in the young talent competition "Auf IT gebaut" with their semester project on a tool that facilitates the design of affordable housing.
The present work adresses the topic of affordable housing and seeks the solution in an algorithm based tool. This tool accesses a constantly expandable database of floor plan variants which have been optimized for low-cost housing. In the design process, the planners should be given the greatest possible freedom of design and be able to freely determine the urban fit of the building to be designed.

Smart Allocate (Phil Niemeyer & Felix Roder, 2023)
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In the jury's opinion, this practical and relevant work deserves first place in the architecture category. The jury particularly praised the innovative approach, which simplifies and accelerates planning processes. As a result, the prize winners have developed a software tool that can also solve important economic aspects: Processes can be accelerated and construction costs reduced at the same time without restricting the design freedom of the architects. Smart Allocate accesses an ever-expanding database of freely designed floor plan variants optimized for cost-effective housing construction.