The digital lecture series on the global history of architecture seeks to reposition narratives in architectural and urban historiography previously centered on Europe and the United States. It does not aim at providing the equivalent to a textbook on the universal history of world architecture, but will instead focus on flows of knowledge (ideas, conceptual designs, models etc.) and people, media and technology. In weekly lectures renowned experts from Los Angeles to Hong Kong will join us to discuss their recent scholarship dealing with the entanglements that have shaped architectures and cities during the 19th and 20th centuries.
Regular students: Please contact claudius.torp[at] or ulrike.kuch[at] and enroll in the Moodle course.
External guests: Please use the link and password to the Digital Auditorium:
Password: #Entangled2021
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At the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism the divisions Kulturgeschichte der Moderne and Theorie und Geschichte der modernen Architektur collaborate this summer to convene the digital lecture series “Entangled Modernities: Perspectives of a Global History of Architecture”. As part of the Baushaus.Module it addresses students from all fields looking for intellectual stimulation and orientation beyond the confines of their disciplinary work.
The individual lectures highlight the importance of the processes of globalization and localization as well as pursue comparative perspectives on local, regional and national developments. Geographically, the areas under investigation will take us on a journey from the Ottoman Empire to South East Asia and Japan, and from Sub-Saharan Africa to California. We assume that a number of “isms” (colonialism, nationalism, preservationism, socialism, environmentalism, among others) have served as frameworks for the interaction of the global and the local in architecture. They may also guide us through the lecture series and foster our understanding of modernity as an essentially entangled affair.
We have enlisted a group of international experts who have worked on global and transcultural relations and exchanges in the field of architecture and urbanism. Their presentations will last 45 minutes and be followed by a Q&A session. Students on their part will be expected to do the required reading and write a learning log in order to record their observations and induce further reflections.
Please take note of the lectures‘ shifting starting times that are necessary to accomodate speakers from different time zones!
23.04. 16 Uhr | Sebastian Conrad The History of Architecture Beyond the West: Rajendralal Mitra, Itô Chûta, and the Quest to Overcome Eurocentrism |
07.05. | Nancy H. Kwak Defining the Un-Modern in Global Housing Programs Post-1945 |
14.05. 16 Uhr | Sibel Zandi-Sayek Ottoman Knowledge Brokers in the Early Steam Age: A Trans-Imperial Perspective |
21.05. 16 Uhr | Esra Akcan The Global Dimensions of Architectural History |
28.05. 16 Uhr | Regina Bittner The International Campus: Entangled Stories of a Social Condenser |
04.06. 16 Uhr | Zeynep Çelik Speaking back to Orientalism: An Art Historical Discourse |
11.06. | Ayala Levin Tropical Skins: Climate, Character, and the Post-Independence African Subject |
18.06. | Swati Chattopadhyay Unlearning Modernity: Durational Imagination and Architecture |
25.06. | Cole Roskam Africa, China, and Architecture in the Intermediate Zone |
02.07. | Łukasz Stanek Architecture in Global Socialism |
09.07. 16 Uhr | Caroline Maniaque-Benton The Material Culture of a Specific Californian Item: |