Alrayes, Omar: "Modeling of Cyclic Crack Propagation in Concrete using the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method", Dissertation, Weimar, 2024
Charmi, Amir: "A multiscale numerical framework for the simulation of anistropic material response of additively manufactured stainless steel 316L undergoing large plastic deformation", Dissertation, Weimar, 2024
Abdi, Rouzbeh: "Predicting mechanical and thermal properties of 2D materials using Molecular dynamics and ab initio simulations based on Density Functional Theory", Dissertation, Weimar, 2024
Jaouadi, Zouhour: "Pareto and Reliability-Oriented Aeroelastic Shape Optimization of Bridge Decks", Dissertation, Weimar, 2023
Mojahedin, Arvin: "Analysis of Functionally Graded Porous Materials Using Deep Energy Method and Analytical Solution", Dissertation, Weimar, 2022
Hanna, John: "Computational Fracture Modeling and Design of Encapsulation-Based Self-Healing Concrete Using XFEM and Cohesive Surface Technique", Dissertation, Weimar, 2022
Zacharias, Christin: "Numerical Simulation Models for Thermoelastic Damping Effects", Dissertation, Weimar, 2022
Jenabidehkordi, Ali: "An efficient adaptive PD formulation for complex microstructure", Dissertation, Weimar, 2022
Zhang, Yongzheng: "A Nonlocal Operator Method for Quasi-static and Dynamic Fracture Modeling", Dissertation, Weimar, 2022
Yousefi, Hassan: "Discontinuous propagation fronts: linear and nonlinear systems", Dissertation, Weimar, 2022
Liu, Bokai: "Stochastic multiscale modeling of polymeric nanocomposites using Data-driven techniques", Dissertation, Weimar, 2022
Shaaban Mohamed, Ahmed Mostafa: "Isogeometric boundary element analysis and structural shape optimization for Helmholtz acoustic problems", Dissertation, Weimar, 2022
Nouri, Hamidreza: "Mechanical Behavior of two dimensional sheets and polymer compounds based on molecular dynamics and continuum mechanics approach", Dissertation, Weimar, 2022
Jorge Alberto López Zermeño: "Isogeometric and CAD-based methods for shape and topology optimization: Sensitivity analysis, Bézier elements and phase-field approaches", Dissertation, Weimar, 2022
Abinet Kilfe Habtemariam: "Generalized Beam Theory for the analysis of thin-walled circular pipe members", Dissertation, Weimar, 2022
Valizadeh, Navid: "Developments in Isogeometric Analysis and Application to High-Order Phase-Field Models of Biomembranes", Dissertation, Weimar, 2022
Alkam, Feras: "Vibration-based Monitoring of Concrete Catenary Poles using Bayesian Inference", Dissertation, Weimar, 2021
Khademi Zahedi, Reza: "Stress Distribution in Buried Defective PE Pipes and Crack Propagation in Nanosheets", Dissertation, Weimar, 2021
Mauludin, Luthfi Muhammad: "Computational Modeling of Fracture in Encapsulation-Based Self-Healing Concrete Using Cohesive Elements", Dissertation, Weimar, 2021
Wang, Jiasheng: "Lebensdauerabschätzung von Bauteilen aus globularem Grauguss auf der Grundlage der lokalen gießprozessabhängigen Werkstoffzustände", Dissertation, Weimar, 2021
Ren, Huilong: "Dual-horizon peridynamics and nonlocal operator method", Dissertation, Weimar, 2021
Harirchian, Ehsan: "Improved Rapid Assessment of Earthquake Hazard Safety of Existing Building Using a Hierarchical Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Model", Dissertation, Weimar, 2021
Goswami, Somdatta: "Phase field modeling of fracture with isogeometric analysis and machine learning methods", Dissertation, Weimar, 2020
Chowdhury, Sharmistha: "Stochastic Approaches to Selection of Fatigue Crack Growth Model for Life Cycle Assessment", Dissertation, Weimar, 2020
Marcelo José Bianco: "Coupling between Shell and Generalized Beam Theory (GBT) elements", Dissertation, Weimar, 2020
Winkel, Benjamin: "A three-dimensional model of skeletal muscle for physiological, pathological and experimental mechanical simulations", Dissertation, Weimar, 2020
Oucif, Chahmi: "Analytical Modeling of Self-Healing and Super Healing in Cementitious Materials", Dissertation, Weimar, 2020
Chan, Chiu Ling: "Smooth representation of thin shells and volume structures for isogeometric analysis", Dissertation, Weimar, 2020
Salavati, Mohammad: "Multi-Scale Modeling of Mechanical and Electrochemical Properties of 1D and 2D Nanomaterials, Application in Battery Energy Storage Systems", Dissertation, Weimar, 2020
Radmard Rahmani, Hamid: "Artificial Intelligence Approach for Seismic Control of Structures", Dissertation, Weimar, 2020
Rabizadeh, Ehsan: "Goal-oriented A Posteriori Error Estimation and Adaptive Mesh Refinement in 2D/3D Thermoelasticity Problems", Dissertation, Weimar, 2020
Bakar, Ilyani Akmar Binti Abu: "Computational Analysis of Woven Fabric Composites: Single- und Multi-objective Optimizations and Sensitivity Analysis in Meso-scale Structures", Dissertation, Weimar, 2020
Shirazi, Ali Hossein Nezhad: "Multi-Scale Modeling of Lithium ion Batteries: a thermal Management approach and molecular dynamic studies", Dissertation, Weimar, 2020
Alalade, Muyiwa: "An Enhanced Full Waveform Inversion Method for the Structural Analysis of Dams", Dissertation, Weimar, 2019
Großmann, Albert: "Sicherheitskonzept zur Berücksichtigung von Korrosion an Gashochdruckleitungen aus Stählen", Dissertation, Weimar, 2019
Nickerson, Seth: "Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Honeycomb, Porous, Microcracked Ceramics", Dissertation, Weimar, 2019
Schemmann, Christoph: "Optimization of Centrifugal Compressor Impellers by a Multi-fidelity Sampling Method Taking Analytical and Empirical Information into Account", Dissertation, Weimar, 2019
Bek, Yamen Khudari: "Adaptive Mesh Techniques for Structural Applications and Nano-composites Materials based on Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method", Dissertation, Weimar, 2019
Hatahet, Tareq: 'On the Analysis of the Disproportionate Structural Collapse in RC Buildings', Dissertation, Weimar, 2018
Hamdia, Khader: 'On the fracture toughness of polymeric nanocomposites: Comprehensive stochastic and numerical studies', Dissertation, Weimar, 2018
Vollmering, Max: 'Damage Localization of Mechanical Structures by Subspace Identification and Krein Space Based H-infinity Estimation', Dissertation, Weimar, 2018
Deeb, Maher: 'Reliability of Vibration-based Nondestructive Inspection Methods for Damage Detection in Structural Engineering', Dissertation, Weimar, 2018
Moeini, Ghazal: 'Micromechanical modeling of low cycle fatigue in Dual phase 600 steel laser weld ', Dissertation, Weimar, 2018
Wang, Cuixia: 'Nanomechanical Resonators Based on Quasi-two-dimensional Materials', Dissertation, Weimar, 2018
Khudari Bek, Yamen: 'Adaptive Mesh Techniques for Structural Applications and Nano-composites Materials based on Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method', Dissertation, Weimar, 2018
Keßler, Andrea: 'Matrix-free voxel-based finite element method for materials with heterogeneous microstructures', Dissertation, Weimar, 2018
Zhang, Chao: 'Crack Identification using Dynamic Extended Finite Element Method and Thermal Conductivity Engineering for Nanomaterials', Dissertation, Weimar, 2018
Thi Mai Hoa Luong: 'Identification of the state of stress in iron and steel truss structures by vibration-based experimental investigations', Dissertation, Weimar, 2018
Hossain, Md Naim: "Isogeometric analysis based on Geometry Independent Field approximaTion (GIFT) and Polynomial Splines over Hierarchical T-meshes", Dissertation, Weimar, 2018
Tan, Fengjie: "Shape Optimization Design of Arch Type Dams under Uncertainties", Dissertation, Weimar, 2018
Keßler, Andrea: "Matrix-free-voxel-based finite element method for materials with heterogeneous microstructures", Dissertation, Weimar, 2018
Msekh, Mohammad Abdulrazzak: 'Phase Field Modeling for Fracture with Applications to Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Materials', Dissertation, Weimar, 2017
Nariman, Nazim: 'Numerical Methods for the Multi-Physical Analysis of Long Span Cable-Stayed Bridges', Dissertation, Weimar, 2017
Amiri, Fatameh: 'Computational modelling of fracture with local maximum entropy approximations', Dissertation, Weimar, 2016
Ghorashi, Seyed Shahram: 'Goal-oriented adaptive modeling of 3d elastoplasticity problems', Dissertation, Weimar, 2016
Srivilliputtur, Nanthakumar Subbiah: 'Inverse and optimization problems in piezoelectric materials using Extended Finite Element Method and Level sets', Dissertation, Weimar, 2016
Abeltshauser, Rainer: 'Identification and separation of physical effects of coupled systems by using defined model abstractions', Dissertation, Weimar, 2016
Marzban, Samira: 'Experience-Based Model Quality Assessment Methods and their Application to Reinforced Concrete Walls', Dissertation, Weimar, 2016
Schwedler, Michael: 'Integrated structural analysis using isogeometric finite element methods', Dissertation, Weimar, 2016
Ghasemi, Hamid: 'Stochastic optimization of fiber reinforced composites considering uncertainties', Dissertation, Weimar, 2016
Budarapu, Pattabhi: 'Adaptive multiscale methods for fracture : Adaptive Multiskalen-Methoden zur Modellierung von Materialversagen', Dissertation, Weimar, 2015
Vu, Nam Bac: 'Stochastic uncertainty quantification for multiscale modeling of polymeric nanocomposites', Dissertation, Weimar, 2015
Jia, Yue: 'Methods based on B-splines for model representation, numerical analysis and image registration', Dissertation, Weimar, 2015
Beinersdorf, Silke: 'Intensitätsbasierte Bewertung der Verletzbarkeit allgemeiner Hochbauten in deutschen Erdbebengebieten', Dissertation, Weimar, 2015
Nanthakumar, S.S.: "Inverse and optimization problems in piezoelectric materials using Extended Finite Element Method and Level sets", Dissertation, Weimar, 2015
Zhao, Junhua: 'SWNTs' position, the polymer chain length and the temperature on the interaction force is systematically studied.', Dissertation, Weimar, 2014
Itam, Zarina: 'Numerical simulation of thermo-chemo-hygro-mechanical alkali-silica reaction model in concrete at the mesoscale and macroscale', Dissertation, Weimar, 2014
Mai, Luu: 'Structural Control Systems in High-speed Railway Bridges', Dissertation, Weimar, 2014
Abrahamczyk, Lars: 'Kenngrößen zur Prognose des Verhaltens von Geschossbauwerken in Erdbebengebieten und Kriterien für den Ertüchtigunsbedarf', Dissertation, Weimar, 2013
Talebi, Hossein: 'Multiscale modelling of dynamic fracture of brittle and quasi-brittle matarials', Dissertation, Weimar, 2013
Ahmad, Sofyan: 'Reference surface-based system identification', Dissertation, Weimar, 2013
Nguyen Thanh, Nhon: 'Isogeometric analysis based on rational splines over hierarchical T-meshes and alpha finite element method for structural analysis', Dissertation, Weimar, 2013
Nasser, Mourad: 'Quality Assessment of Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction Models Using Energy Measures', Dissertation, Weimar, 2012
Nikulla, Susanne: 'Quality assessment of kinematical models by means of global and goal-oriented error estimation techniques', Dissertation, Weimar, 2012
Schrader, Kai: 'Hybrid 3D simulation methods for the damage analysis of multiphase composites', Dissertation, Weimar, 2012
Brehm, Maik: 'Vibration-based model updating: Reduction and quantification of uncertainties', Dissertation, Weimar, 2011
Luther, Torsten: "Adaptation of atomistic and continuum methods for multiscale simulation of quasi-brittle intergranular damage", Dissertation, Weimar 2010.
Eckhardt, Stefan: 'Adaptive heterogeneous multiscale models for the nonlinear simulation of concrete', Dissertation, Weimar 2009.
Golbs, Christian: 'Probabilistische seismische Gefährdungsanalysen auf der Grundlage von Epizentrendichten und ihre ingenieurpraktische Anwendungsgebiete', Dissertation, Weimar, 2009
Unger, Jörg F. : "Neural networks in a multiscale approach for concrete". Dissertation, Weimar 2009.
Higuchi, Shoko: "Cost-Benefit Based Maintenance Optimization for Deteriorating Structures". Dissertation, Weimar 2008.
Häfner, Stefan: "Grid-based procedures for the mechanical analysis of heterogeneous solids." Dissertation, Weimar 2007.
Pham, Hoang Anh: "Dynamic system identification based on selective sensitivity." Dissertation, Weimar 2007.
Most, Thomas: "Stochastic crack growth simulation in reinforced concrete structures by means of coupled finite element and meshless methods" Dissertation, Weimar 2005
Zabel, Volkmar: 'Applications of Wavelet Analysis in System Identification', Dissertation, Weimar, 2003
Huth, Olaf: "Ein adaptiertes Polyreferenz-Verfahren und seine Anwendung in der Systemidentifikation", Dissertation, Weimar 2002
Ebert, Matthias: 'Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchung des dynamischen Verhaltens von Stahlbetontragwerken unter Berücksichtigung stochastischer Eigenschaften' , Dissertation, Weimar 2002
Roos, Dirk: 'Approximation und Interpolation von Grenzzustandsfunktionen zur Sicherheitsbewertung nichtlinearer Finite-Elemente-Strukturen', Dissertation, Weimar 2001
Bayer, Veit: "Zur Zuverlässigkeitsbeurteilung von Baukonstruktionen unter dynamischen Einwirkungen" Dissertation, Weimar 1999 (pdf)
Will, Johannes: "Beitrag zur Standsicherheitsberechnung im geklüfteten Fels in der Kontinuums- und Diskontinuumsmechanik unter Verwendung impliziter und expliziter Berechnungsstrategien" Dissertation, Weimar 1999 (pdf)
Macke, Michael: "Entwurf eines semi-probabilistischen Normungskonzepts für Stahlkonstruktionen mit zeitveränderlicher Tragfähigkeit aufgrund von Ermüdungsvorgängen" Dissertation, Weimar 1997
Schorling, York: "Beitrag zur Stabilitätsuntersuchung von Strukturen mit räumlich korrelierten geometrischen Imperfektionen" Dissertation, Weimar 1997 (pdf)
Pfefferkorn, Gernot: "Zur nichtlinearen Berechnung von Stahlbetonplatten mit finiten Elementen" Habilitationsschrift, Weimar 1995
Pollandt, Ralph: "Ein Approximationsverfahren zur Lösung nichtlinearer Differentialgleichungen auf Grundlage der Boundare Element Method und von Radialbasisfunktionen" Dissertation, Weimar 1995
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