In the Studio - WIP
eingereicht von
Thyra Kolde
Thyra Kolde
Christine Hill
Katrin Steiger
Kunst und Gestaltung
Lehramt an Gymnasien: Kunst (Zweifachstudium, Doppelfach) (1. Staatsprüfung)
Art der Präsentation
– Sonstiges –
This Semester I have been working on the subject of Dreams and Trauma. More specifically I am exploring my dreams through oil paintings. I have been collecting my rather weird and sometimes brutal dreams in an archive which I will use in the experimental sound experience that I am participating in on the 1st of February at 20 pm on and on the 4th of February in the WWS Livestream at 7:30 pm.
Furthermore I have worked through the issue of Derealisation and Depersonalization in form of a rug.
I am still working on finishing the rug and a zine which will be published in the following months. Feel free to follow along by viewing my instagram.
The Studio is a important space for me to be a able to work on large formats like rugs and paintings. It is a space solely dedicated to making and thinking about art in its various forms.
The Atelier is the space I feel most productive but also inspired. It is in a constant form of change. It's messy, it's organized, it has useless objects, it's cluttered, it's inspiring. It's a place to hang when you don't know what else to do. There is always something to be started and finished in the studio.
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