Dr. habil. Michael Schönlein
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Coudraystraße 13B, Raum 102
99423 Weimar
E-Mail: michael.schoenlein[at]uni-weimar.de
Telefon: +49 (0)3643/58 42 78
- Mathematische Systemtheorie
- Analysis
- Warteschlangennetzwerke
- Dynamische Systeme
M. Schönlein: Feedback equivalence and uniform ensemble reachability, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 646:175-194, 2022.
M. Schönlein: Computation of open-loop inputs for uniform ensemble controllable systems, Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 12(3):813-829, 2022.
G. Dirr, M. Schönlein: Uniform and LP-ensemble reachability of parameter-dependent linear systems, Journal of Differential Equations, 283:216-262, 2021.
M. Schönlein: Asymptotic stability and smooth Lyapunov functions for a class of abstract dynamical systems, Discrete and Continous Dynamical Systems A, 37(7):4053-4069, 2017.
U. Helmke, M. Schönlein: Minimum sensitivity realizations of networks of linear systems, Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 6(3):241-262, 2016.
U. Helmke, M. Schönlein: Controllability of ensembles of linear dynamical systems, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 125:3-14, 2016
M. Schönlein: A Lyapunov view on positive Harris recurrence of multiclass queueing networks, Operations Research Letters, 43:299-303, 2015.
U. Helmke, M. Schönlein: Uniform ensemble controllabilityfor one-parameter families of time-invariant linear systems, Systems and Control Letters, 71:69-77, 2014.
M. Ait Rami, M. Schönlein, J. Jordan: Estimation of linear positive systems with unknown time-varying delays, European Journal of Control, 19:179-187, 2013.
M. Schönlein, T. Makuschewitz, F. Wirth, B. Scholz-Reiter: Measurement and Optimization of robust stability of multiclass queueing networks - Applications in dynamic supply chains, European Journal of Operational Research, 229(1):179-189, 2013.
M. Schönlein, F. Wirth: On converse Lyapunov theorems for fluid network models, Queueing Systems, 70(4):339-367, 2012.
B. Scholz-Reiter, F. Wirth, S. Dashkovskiy, T. Makuschewitz, M. Schönlein, M. Kosmykov: Structure-preserving modelreduction of large-scale logistics networks, European Physical Journal B, 84(4):501-520, 2011.
B. Scholz-Reiter, F. Wirth, S. Dashkovskiy, T. Makuschewitz, M. Schönlein, M. Kosmykov: A comparison of mathematical modelling approaches for stability analysis of supply chains, International Journal of Logistics Systems Management, 10(2):208-223, 2011.
B. Scholz-Reiter, F. Wirth, T. Makuschewitz, M. Schönlein: Robust capacity allocation in dynamic production networks, CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 60:445-448, 2011.
Konferenz- und Tagungsbeiträge
M. Schönlein: Ensemble reachability of homogenous parameter-dependent systems. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 20:1 e202000342, 2020.
M. Schönlein: Ensemble reachability of parametric harmonic oscillators via mixed open-loop and feedback control. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 18(1): e201800467, 2018.
G. Dirr, U. Helmke, M. Schönlein: Controlling mean and variance in ensembles of linear systems. Proc. 10th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS 2016), Monterey, USA, September 2016, pp. 1036-1041.
G. Dirr, U. Helmke, M. Schönlein: Uniform ensemble controllability of parametric systems. Proc. 22nd international Symposium on Methematical theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2016), Minneapolis, USA, Juli 2016, pp. 677-684.
M. Schönlein, U. Helmke: Robust Synchronization by open-loop control. Proc. 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2014), Groningen, The Netherlands, 7-11. Juli 2014, pp. 500-505.
B. Scherlein, M. Schönlein, U. Helmke: Open-loop control of parameter-dependent discrete-time systems. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech, 14:939-940, 2014.
M. Schönlein, U. Helmke: Control of ensembles of single-input continuous-time linear systems. Proc. 4th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NecSys 2013), Koblenz, Germany, 24-25. September 2013, pp. 122-129.
U. Helmke, I. Kurniawan, P. Lang, M. Schönlein: Sensitivity optimal design of networks of identical linear systems. Proc. Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2012), Melbourne, Australia, Juli 2012, paper 0283.
M. Schönlein, T. Makuschewitz, F. Wirth, B. Scholz-Reiter: Supply Network Engineering - An Approach to Robust Capacity Allocation for Stochastic Production Processes. Preprints oft he 18th IFAC World Congress 2011, 28. August – 2. September 2011, Milano, Italy, pp. 441-446.