Studios are the main semester projects in terms of workload and ECTS. Students are encouraged to develop artistic, experimental work following the research-based studio outline. IMAMS students in Buffalo join the Situated Technologies Research Group, one of four research studios at the core of UB's architectural graduate studies. Students in Weimar join the MediaArchitecture studio as part of their foundation semester.
System Existenzminimum | Ka-man Lam
Directed Research l Prof. Marc Böhlen, Prof. Mark Shepard, Prof. Dr. Teri Rueb l University at Buffalo l Fall 2016→
Interactive Light Pyramid l Janette Sesselmann
Prof. Sylvie Belangér, Prof. Mark Shepard l University at Buffalo l Fall 2016→
Lightwalk l David Heaton & Sandra Huezo
Urban Interface Project Module l Prof. Andreas Kästner, Prof. Dr. Jens Geelhaar, Dr. Sabine Zierold, Susa Pop l Bauhaus-Universität Weimar l Spring 2015 →
Urban Readings Rooms l Vincent Krause
Minor Urbanism Studio l Prof. Mark Shepard l University at Buffalo l Spring 2013
Last Poem of the Plastic Cup | Ka-man Lam
Full Scale Computational Media l Prof. Marc Böhlen, Johannes Deich l University at Buffalo l Spring 2016→
Inquiry 1.0 l Stefanie Holzheu
Networked Ecologies: On the Ruse and the Exploit Studio l Prof. Mark Shepard l University at Buffalo l Spring 2014
Abstract Reconstruction l Lisa Pusch
Experiment Bauhaus Project Module l Prof. Jens Geelhaar, Prof. Bernd Rudolf, Prof. Andreas Kästner, Dr. Sabine Zierold l Bauhaus-Universität Weimar l Fall 2013 →
Altitude Media l Matteo Pacher
Höhenmedien Altitude Media Project Module l Prof. Jens Geelhaar, Prof. Bernd Rudolf, Prof. Andreas Kästner, Dr. Sabine Zierold l Bauhaus-Universität Weimar l Fall 2012 →
Nomadic Architect l Janette Sesselmann
Prof. Jordan Geiger l 'Collateral Architecture' Design Studio l University at Buffalo l Spring 2016→
ferroflow l Lisa Pusch
Networked Ecologies: On the Ruse and the Exploit Studio l Prof. Mark Shepard l University at Buffalo l Spring 2014
Performing Proprioception l Matteo Pacher
XS Studio l Prof. Jordan Geiger l University at Buffalo l Fall 2013
Kyffhäuser in Reflection l Vincent Krause
Höhenmedien Altitude Media Project Module l Prof. Jens Geelhaar, Prof. Bernd Rudolf, Prof. Andreas Kästner, Dr. Sabine Zierold l Bauhaus-Universität Weimar l Fall 2012 →
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