Image-based 3D Reconstruction

The goal of the seminar is the autonomous understanding and presentation of state-of-the-art methods for image-based 3D reconstruction. At first, an overview of the topic is given to the participants. Here, some higher-level issues and possible solutions are discussed. The participants should understand the proposed methods conceptually and present their insights to the other participants. In order to classify and evaluate the methods, the participants should answer a variety of questions concerning the practical application and implementation.

Please notice: The materials for our lectures and exercises are only available through the network of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.


  1. All relevant information for the seminar are summarized here and will also be discussed in the following.
  2. All participants of the seminar are requested to choose one publication from the list. Deadline for the selection: Friday, 11.04.2014. Please send your choice via mail to jens.kersten[at] including the following information: Name, matriculation number, study course, number of the selected publication, desired date of talk.
  3. Please send me an email if you whish to have a closer look to the publications.
  4. All participants have to prepare and give a talk and additionally write a summarizing report about the chosen topic. 
  5. In order to better classify the adressed approaches, the participants are requested to give answers to some defined questions.  This will be part of the report.
  6. One person for each theme, if possible.
  7. Each session up to two talks are possible.
  8. Official starting date for the talks: 18.04.2014
  9. Please send me the slides of the talks (at least one day) before the presentation.
  10. Deadline for the report submission: One week after the talk.
  11. Friday, 11.04.2014 at 09:15 am in room SR013 an example talk will be presented. Topic: "Automated reconstruction of 3D scenes from sequences of images". All material (slides and report) for this theme will be available afterwards as an example.
DateDescription / Theme

Example talk: "Automated reconstruction of 3D scenes from sequences of images".

Deadline for registration via Email: or during the seminar.

18.04.2014Good friday (no session)
25.04.2014Theme 16: "Segment-Tree Based Cost Aggregation for Stereo Matching".
02.05.2014No session due to regular holidays.
09.05.2014Theme 1: "Multiview 3D reconstruction of the archeological site at Weymouth from image series".
16.05.2014Theme 9: "Scalable real-time volumetric surface reconstruction".
23.05.2014Theme 3: "Scalable Robust Multi-View Stereo".

No session due to regular holidays.


Theme 11: "Live Metric 3D Reconstruction on Mobile Phones".

Theme 6: "A surface-growing approach to multi-view stereo reconstruction".


Theme 7: "A hybrid image- based modelling algorithm".


Cancelled - may be shifted.


Theme 8: "A quasi-dense approach to surface reconstruction from uncalibrated images".

Theme 2: "Dense 3D Reconstruction with a Hand-Held Camera".


Theme 14: "Towards high-resolution large-scale multi-view stereo".


Theme 5: "StereoScan: Dense 3d reconstruction in real-time".

Summary of all covered topics.


  1. List of publications.
  2. General information and list of questions in one document.
  3. Slidemaster for the presentations (usage not mandatory).
  4. Documentmaster for the summarizing report of the papers (usage not mandatory).

Slides and Reports

  1. Introduction to the topic and the seminar.
  2. Slides and summarizing report for the topic: "Automated reconstruction of 3D scenes from sequences of images" (11.04.2014).
  3. Slides and summarizing report for the topic: "Segment-tree based cost aggregation for stereo matching" (25.04.2014).
  4. Slides and report for the topic: "Multiview 3D reconstruction of the archaeological site at Weymouth from image series" (09.05.2014).
  5. Slides and report for the topic: "Scalable real-time volumetric surface reconstruction" (16.05.2014). Video with results.
  6. Slides and report for the topic: "Scalable Robust Multiview Stereo" (23.05.2014). Video with results.
  7. Slides and report for the topic: "Live Metric 3D Reconstruction on Mobile Phones" (06.06.2014). Video with results.
  8. Slides and report for the topic: "A Surface-Growing Approach to Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction" (06.06.2014). Video with results.
  9. Slides and report for the topic: "A hybrid image-based modeling algorithm" (13.06.2014).
  10. Slides and report for the topic: "A quasi-dense approach to surface reconstruction from uncalibrated images" (27.06.2014).
  11. Slides and report for the topic: "Dense 3D Reconstruction with a Hand-Held Camera" (27.06.2014).
  12. Slides and report for the topic: "Towards high-resolution large-scale multi-view stereo" (04.07.2014).
  13. Slides and report for the topic: "StereoScan: Dense 3d reconstruction in real-time" (11.07.2014).
  14. Summarizing presentation of all presented topics, outlook (11.07.2014).